RIP Mike Awesome

Mike Alfonso, better known to wrestling fans around the world as Mike Awesome, has been found dead in his home of an apparent suicide.

Awesome first hit it big over in Japan, and got his first American exposure in Extreme Championship Wrestling. He had several memorable matches in ECW, many of which came against Japanese star Masato Tanaka. In fact, his last WWE appearance came at the first WWE/ECW One Night Stand in a match against Tanaka. He was a two-time ECW Champion and a co-holder of the ECW Tag Team Titles. Sadly, he might be best known for leaving ECW while still holding their world title and appearing on WCW Monday Nitro on the first night of Vince Russo's "new era of WCW." This resulted in him returning to the ECW Arena and getting beaten by Taz in less than 30 seconds.

Everyone at Heart Punch would like to extend their deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of Mike Alfonso.


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