Wrestling Society X #2 (2.2.07)

So, apparently MTV has decided to do a "sneak peek" of the new WSX episodes on Friday nights. If I'm home (as I am tonight, since my plans were snowed out), you can expect to typically see these recaps up by Saturday morning. That's my goal, at any rate.

-Tonight, Human Tornado debuts, facing Luke Hawx. Team Dragon Gate faces That 70s team and we crown the first WSX champion as Vampiro squares off with 6-Pac. There's also a good chance that shit will blow up. God, I love this show already.

-We get an opening montage this week. Some low budget, generic animation. Who cares?

-The Three-6 Mafia perform. Hell if I know what song they did. Someone more hip hopically inclined can fill in the blanks. Gotta say…the sight of these guys performing in front of a bunch of scenesters who were totally rocking out made me laugh just a little. Who knew Southern rap went over so well with the doom and gloom crowd?

-Clips of the WSX Rumble from last week to establish our main event. Juicy J and DJ Paul join in on commentary.

"Southern Stomper" Luke Hawx v. Human Tornado -

Hawx was formerly known as Altar Boy Luke, for those keeping score. Tornado is, of course, a pimp. Also, El Snowflake from Nacho Libre. Before the match, we see some clips from last week of Hawx interfering in the WSX Rumble and making Kaos go BOOM.

We're clipping right from the start, as Tornado is suddenly shot into the ropes. Hawx elevates him and lands a low blow. He needs to hit up YouTube, as everyone should know that Tornado has BALLS OF STEEL. You just can't damage them. He responds with a Pimp Slap. Tornado bounces off the ropes, but Hawx comes back with an Exploder. He follows with a spinning kick and gets two. Tornado reverses a corner whip, but gets elevated onto the apron. Hawx charges and Tornado dumps him to the floor with a 'rana.

Tornado connects with a dropkick through the ropes that knocks Hawx into the crowd. He follows with a HUGE somersault plancha, flying clear over the rail! Back in the ring, Hawx comes back with a spinning heel kick. He misses a charge into the corner and both guys struggle for an Irish whip reversal. Tornado finally ends up in the corner. He climbs to the top and hits a diving Tornado DDT for the win!

Postmatch, Aaron Aguilera runs out and attacks Hawx for what he did last week. Al Katrazz and Kaos end up in the ring as well. We eventually end up with Al Katrazz on a table with Kaos up top. Al Katrazz rolls off and Hawx kicks Kaos off the top. He takes a nasty bump through the table and that's the end of that chapter.

-Next up, the first tag match in WSX history. Huzzah, I guess!


-Teddy Hart and Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross promo. Their team is called "The Filth and the Fury" and they're laying down an open challenge to any team in WSX. Which the announcers helpfully tell us will be filled next week. I'm just wondering which one brings the filth and which one brings the fury…

That 70's Team (Joey "Magnum" Ryan & Disco Machine) v. Team Dragon Gate (Genki Horiguchi & Masato Yoshino) -

Ryan and Disco are both from Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Actually, both are part-owners of the company. Disco gyrates far too much for my liking, but he is funny on PWG commentary. That counts for something. Crowd does an ever too brief, "H-A-G-E" chant for Genki. Still not sure how making fun of his encroaching baldness imbues him with power. Must be a Japanese thing.

Ryan starts with Genki. They do the typical indy reversal sequence and end with a standoff. Fuck. I knew there was a downside to having a bunch of indy guys on my TV. Both of them tag. Yoshino does his rope running bit (seriously, he's gotta be the fastest guy to ever step into a ring) and dropkicks Disco, who immediately tags out. Ryan tries a rope running sequence of his own. He ducks several clotheslines, but when it comes time for his big dropkick, Yoshino simply steps out of the way. Joey is blown up. No, wait! He's actually asthmatic. He takes a hit off his inhaler and all is well.

Disco tags back in. He demonstrates that accursed gyration, but Team DG must hate it as well, as they deliver a double gut kick. They send him into the ropes. Genki takes him down with a drop toehold and Yoshino immediately catches him with a dropkick. Genki covers, but can only get two. Disco reverses a whip, ducking his head. Genki goes for the sunset flip, but it's blocked. More gyration. He drops an elbow and gets two. Both guys tag.

Rear waistlock by Ryan. Genki runs in and dives over top with a sunset flip. He yanks Ryan's tights down, giving us a thong shot. Yikes. Ryan rolls to his feet. Yoshino delivers his Lightning Spiral neckbreaker and makes the cover. Save by Disco. Genki tosses him out and follows with a pescado. In the ring, Ryan counters a tilt-a-whirl headscissors into a sideslam for two. Genki and Disco continue to brawl at ringside. In the ring, Ryan connects with the "Super 70's Superkick" and gets the win. That was sudden.

Fun match. Of course I wish this wasn't clipped to hell, but I have four guys I dig on TV for free, so I'm not really going to complain too much. Who would have thought that MTV, of all places, would give Dragon Gate their US television debut? Ignoring the Toryumon guys who were in WCW back in the day, I guess.

-Main event is next!


-Trailer Park Boyz promo. Former XPW garbage guy "White Trash" Johnny Webb introduces them as relatives. It's "Spyder" Nate Webb and Josh Raymond (AKA Josh Abercrombie)…not looking any different at all. They were plenty skuzzy to pull off this gimmick right from the start. Heh. They debut on WSXtra this week. The stupid MTV site doesn't work on my PC, or I'd be recapping that too. I even went the YouTube route, but I'm not sure if it was the file or my monitor, but things were so dark that I couldn't tell what was going on. The announcers also tell us that they've accepted the open challenge and will face "The Filth and the Fury" on next week's show.

6-Pac v. Vampiro - WSX Title Match -

Vampiro has a coffin at ringside. Probably won't be there after the match is over, since it will likely EXPLODE! We get a bit of a shoving match and when the bell rings, 6-Pac spits water in Vampiro's face, then levels him with a spin kick. Vamp blocks a corner whip and headbutts him. He hits a spinning kick of his own and picks up the first nearfall of the match. He sends 6-Pac into the ropes and goes for a 'rana, but it gets reversed into a powerbomb. Nearfall for Pac. He follows up with the Bronco Buster. He signals for a second, but charges into a goozle.

6-Pac breaks it up with a low blow, but ends up charging into a Yakuza kick. Vampiro plants him with a chokeslam and heads up top. He goes for a twisting moonsault, but there's nobody home. Dropkick by Pac sends him to the floor. Pac follows him out with a somersault plancha and gets a two count on the floor. Hmm. I have no idea what the rule set (yeah…it's pro wrestling, so that's a laughable term) for this company is, but I'm assuming it's Falls Count Anywhere? 6-Pac charges and Vampiro elevates him, crotching him on the post.

Vamp sets up a table at ringside. 6-Pac cuts him off with a clothesline and rolls him onto the table. He climbs to the second rope, but Vamp has had plenty of time to stop him. But not so fast, as 6-Pac drives him (and himself) through the table with a Tornado DDT. Pac covers and gets two. Announcers indeed tell us that it's FCA. Back in the ring, Pac whips Vampiro into the corner. He rebounds out and gets planted with the "6-Factor".

Pac covers, but Vampiro is out at two. Announcers act as if he's survived a point blank shotgun blast to the face. It's just a facebuster, dudes! 6-Pac pulls Vampiro onto the apron, above the coffin. Low blow by Vampiro. He hoists Pac up and drives him into the coffin with a Tombstone piledriver! The coffin goes BANG, BANG, BOOM and life as we know it has ceased to exist! The referee avoids Armageddon long enough to count the pin. But who's the winner? Looks like Vampiro came out on top…

Decent enough match, I guess. Vampiro looked pretty chubby on the pilot episode, but looks to have gotten himself in better shape by the time this set of tapings came around. He was always something of a guilty favorite of mine, so it's cool to have him back on TV. Totally unrelated, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that the WSX belt looks remarkable like the old WWF Smoking Skull belt that Steve Austin used to have.

-Next week, we get the aforementioned tag match between The Filth and the Fury and the Trailer Park Boyz. Also, Jack Evans will be in action and Al Katrazz & Luke Hawx will face off with Los Pochos Guapos (Kaos & Aaron Aguilera) in a TLC (Tables Ladders & Cervezas!) match. Continuity! Feuds being built! The booking here is already better than TNA.


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