Wrestling Society X #3 (2.13.07)

Sorry this is late. Between the weather causing a power outage, work and having plans pop up this weekend, today is the first free time I've had to work on it since it aired. Looks like I'll have a week off, though, since stupid MTV doesn't seem to want the next episode to air. After all, why would MTV want to air something that's actually entertaining? Oh yeah...and a hearty fuck you for dropping the Friday previews.

-On tonight's show, we get The Filth and the Fury (Teddy Hart & Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross) v. The Trailer Park Boyz (Nate Webb & Josh Raymond w/Johnny Webb), Jack Evans in action and Al Katrazz/Luke Hawk v. Los Pochos Guapos (Aaron Aguilera & Kaos) in a TLC match. Tables. Ladders. Cervezas.


-Sparta performs.

-Clips of last week's WSX title match lead to a Vampiro interview. Regardless of the sacrifice, the WSX Title is his destiny.

-Tony & Keeley from Sparta join in on commentary. Tony seems fairly knowledgeable about the business, namedropping Warrior and the Von Erichs during the course of the show.

Trailer Park Boyz (w/Johnny Webb) v. The Filth and the Fury -

Interestingly enough, Music Choice is playing "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus as I type this. Somewhere, right this second, Nate Webb is dancing his friggin' ass off.

Raymond (Forgive me if I refer to him as Josh Abercrombie. I'm trying to catch myself, but there are no guarantees) and Hart open the match, running through a quick reversal sequence and, yep…standoff. Both guys tag. Cross whips Webb into the corner. Webb does the Ultimo headstand in the corner, but Cross charges in with a dropkick. Webb falls into the Tree of Woe and ends up eating a second dropkick. Cross follows up with a split legged moonsault and gets two. Irish whip by Cross. Webb goes for a satellite headscissors, but Cross drops him facefirst to the mat.

Raymond runs in, but Cross catches him with a back elbow. Hart is in as well. He annihilates Raymond with a cradle DDT and Raymond rolls to the floor. Hart dives onto the TPBs with a HUGE springboard moonsault. Cross follows up with a big twisting moonsault of his own. Back in the ring, Cross lifts Raymond for a backbreaker as Hart heads up top. Webb breaks it up with a clothesline. Hart goes for a moonsault, but Raymond gets his feet up. Raymond whips Webb into the corner, where he connects with the Nebraska Tumbleweed on Hart.

Hart comes back, spiking Webb with a double underhook Canadian Destroyer. Raymond attacks, setting him up for a Vertebreaker. But instead of a headdrop, he sits out and turns it into a backbreaker of sorts. Nifty. Cross trips Raymond and hits a springboard double stomp to the back. Cover gets two. On the floor, Teddy yanks a live wire out of a box and ELECTROCUTES Webb! He places him on a table, pours water on him and OMG BLOWS NATE WEBB UP!!!!!!!!!

Just to make sure the job is finished, he climbs up o a balcony and drives Webb through a table with a twisting 450° splash. That's just taking things TOO DAMN FAR! Back in the ring, Raymond is down. Cross connects with a Shooting Star legdrop and that's the end of that.


-Aguilera and Kaos argue, with Kaos accusing Aguilera of being too worried about the mamacitas and cervezas to actually watch his back.

El Hombre Blanco Enmascarado v. Jack Evans -

Hombre is better known to PWG fans as Quicksilver. He attacks Evans before the bell as he busts a move. He hits a knee in the corner and goes for a whip. Evans reverses him into the opposite corner, but runs into a boot. Hombre with a springboard clothesline, sending Jack rolling to the floor. He follows Jack out, connecting with a tope. Back in the ring, Evans comes back with a dropkick, flipping backwards over the top and landing on the apron. He goes for a shoulder to the gut, but gets clubbed on the back with a forearm. Hombre bounces off the ropes and kicks him in the face.

He spikes Evans with a Fisherman's Buster and gets a nearfall. Irish whip by Hombre. Evans ducks under a spin kick, then backflips off the ropes, rotating into a back elbow on Hombre. Cover gets two. He nails Hombre with a spin kick, then hits him with a jumping knee strike. He covers, but again only gets two. He pulls Hombre into the corner and connects with the 630° splash to get the win.


-Matt Classic video package. This gimmick is brilliant and Colt Cabana is my hero. The character is pretty much a throwback to the 50's/60's, with his big moves being the clawhold, heart punch (YES!) and airplane spin. Hearing Frank Gotch, Lou Thesz and Farmer Burns getting shout outs on MTV is a bit surreal, though. If you want to see him in action, apparently he wrestles Scorpio Sky on WSXtra this week.

Luke Hawx & Al Katrazz v. Los Pochos Guapos - TLC Match -

Hawx and Al grab a ladder. Kaos and Aguilera try to dropkick it into them. But they lift the ladder and nail them with it after they slide under. In the ring, Aguilera flapjacks Hawx onto the ladder, causing it to lever into Al Katrazz on the floor. Kaos Driver on Hawx. Kaos heads up top, but Aguilera pulls him off and directs him to come off the ladder instead. Kaos climbs up, but Aguilera is distracted by the mamis at ringside. Kaos goes for a moonsault, but Hawx is nowhere to be found.

Al bridges the corner with the ladder and catapults Aguilera into it. Hawx dumps Kaos with a Downward Spiral. Al goes "old school" with the ropewalk, looking for a Tornado DDT on Aguilera. He blocks it and tosses Al into the ladder with an Exploder. He turns and eats a springboard dropkick from Hawx. Then *he* turns and Kaos lifts him into an over the shoulder backbreaker, dropping it into a piledriver (Kloss calls it a Ganso Bomb).

Kaos sets up a table. Aguilera calls him off, as he thinks it's time to bust out the cervezas. Kaos lifts Hawx for a powerbomb. Al shoves Aguilera into them and Kaos ends up going facefirst into the bottles. He's busted open. Al Katrazz tosses Aguilera to the floor. He powerbombs Kaos through the table and this one is over.

Not good. Not good at all. And it wasn't even the stupid sort of fun that has marked WSX's existence from the start.

Advertised for next week: Scorpio Sky v. Matt Sydal, Human Tornado v. El Hombre, a tag match with Keepin' It Gangsta and the return of 6Pac. Of course, this show isn't likely to air because of an angle with Ricky Banderas fireballing Vampiro. That's too objectionable for the MTV crowd. Jackass isn't, but this is. Ah…MTV. How I loathe thee.


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