ECW on Sci-Fi (7.10.07)

-So much for "This Is Extreme," as they've already replaced it with a new intro. I believe it's a reworked version of "This Is the New Shit" by Marilyn Manson. It's definitely Manson, at any rate.

-Later tonight, it's a rematch from last week. Dreamer versus Nitro. This week, though, it's Extreme Rules.

-Striker's Classroom segment. His guest is Boogeyman. Striker has an offering of a bowl full of worms. He runs down some wormy factoids, then tells Boogey that the games end tonight. He brings out Viscera (called "Big Daddy V") who's dumped the pajamas for an early Tommy Dreamer tights and suspenders look. Put a shirt on, brah. Jeez. He slams Boogey HARD onto Striker's desk and tosses him through the blackboard. Wow. That was total annihilation. Not a bad way to re-debut him, I guess.

Elijah Burke v. Balls Mahoney -

They trade strikes, with Burke's more disciplined punching winning out over Balls' barroom brawling. He chokes Balls for a bit and hits his handstand elbow out of the corner. Cover gets two. He locks Balls in a Cobra Clutch. Balls elbows free and follows up with a pair of clotheslines. He slams Burke and heads up top. As usual, there's no water in the pool for the legdrop. Burke quickly drops him with the Elijah Express and gets the win.

-The play a really nice Tommy Dreamer video package chock full of footage from the "real" ECW.

-CM Punk is next!


CM Punk v. Stevie Richards -

Stevie's (imaginary) King of Heat title is not on the line tonight! We open with a mirror sequence, as both guys run through a quick armdrag, follow with a legsweep and each pick up a one count from it. Punk takes over with a swinging neckbreaker and follows with a big enzuigiri for two. He slams Stevie and drops a leg for another nearfall. Stevie slips away from a slam and kicks Punk hard on the thigh. He follows with a Steviekick to the back of the head, but Punk escapes at two. Boo! Hangman's neckbreaker by Stevie gets him another two count.

He goes for a kick, but Punk catches the foot, take him down and locks in a leg submission. Stevie quickly breaks it up with a kick the face. Simple, but effective! Is it time for the StevieT? Nope. Punk counters out and plants him with a backdrop suplex. He catapults Stevie facefirst into the corner. Running knee strike to the back. Punk follows with the normal running knee strike and adds the bulldog for good measure. Cover gets two. Welcome to Chicago, Motherfucker! gets two.

Punk bounces off the ropes, looking for a clothesline. Stevie catches his arm, turning it into a Downward Spiral. He locks Punk in the Koji Clutch, but Punk manages to reach the ropes and force a break. Stevie goes for a Tornado DDT, but Punk holds on, hoists him up and tells Stevie to GO TO SLEEP! He covers and this one is over.

Fun match with these two, just like always.

-Miz kicks game to K². The other two come up looking to be introduced. Miz tells them that he's in action next, but after the match, he wouldn't object at all to a different type of action. And he's so douchy that they're totally ready to nail him right there.


The Miz v. Nunzio -

Miz takes Nunzio down and…the television switches channels? Huh. Ain't that some shit? I was watching a DVD when I taped this, if I can remember back that far, so I apparently managed to change the channel in the process. Retarded ol' me strikes again. What's sad is that this isn't even the first time I've ever done this. But, uh…I'll take 30 seconds to look up what I missed and comment on it in brief.

-Miz wins with "The Mizard of Oz?" Your guess is as good as mine. Ask Matt...he's had to watch a ton of Miz over the past year. I'm going to say that it's a double moonsault, just for the hell of it.

-Some whores danced. Apparently, to a Beyonce song.

-Nitro beat Dreamer in the hardcore match, pinning him after a drop toehold onto a chair in the corner.

At any rate, I'll try to be less stupid this week, though we all know that's a crap shoot at best.


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