Friday Night SmackDown! 6/29/2007: For and Against

So I had this bit written a couple of weeks ago after the lottery that I forgot to put in my last roundup about how Smackdown losing Chris Benoit really compromises the depth of the brand, ironically much like WCW losing the Radicals gutted its midcard and started the beginning of the end.

Then... well, you know.

I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said because I just don't know what to say. Watching this story unfold over its first 24 hours or so left me feeling sadder and sicker with every new piece of information that came out. And at the end of it, I'm just left with the same questions I'm sure everyone else has. Questions that can never really be answered.

FOR: Flair!

FOR: Carlito?

FOR: JBL: "I worked for his father in Puerto Rico. He still owes me money."

AGAINST: Would it kill them to just say 'Carlos Colon'?

FOR: Thank you, JBL.

FOR: JBL not getting invited to Tony and Eva's wedding.

FOR: Citizens! Count to ten as I...

AGAINST: ...stop at six?

FOR: Flair releasing the Figure-Four, then dragging Carlito back to the center of the ring and going back to the knee.

AGAINST: The misspelled "Kenedy 3:16" sign.

FOR: JBL: "It was strategic defense."

FOR: Can we call that a Side Effect counter?

FOR: Matt putting his body in between Cade and the ropes after the Twist of Fate.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Funaki lives in San Antonio? What a disconnect THAT is.

AGAINST: Does it at least say "Friday Night Smackdown" on his tights?

AGAINST: It's Howard Marshall, JBL. Pierce is the son.

FOR: Sunset flip German suplex?

AGAINST: What, no chyron for Cryme Tyme?

FOR: Deuce and Domino flipping out after Shad and JTG look at their car.

AGAINST: The APA never did that.

AGAINST: What was JTG going for there?

FOR: 'Briscoe Brothers Chop Shop.'

FOR: Call me crazy, but I like those guys. "Big booty girls? PRICELESS!"

AGAINST: Cole not knowing who Robert Horry is.

AGAINST: Hey, Cole, no cheering in the press box.

AGAINST: Eugene's cape.

FOR: Khali's new interpreter's actually funny. "See ya out there."

FOR: Victoria: "I wasn't warmed up."

FOR: Has Mickie actually gotten hotter in the last few months?

FOR: Victoria's side slam variant.

AGAINST: No one remembers the World League, JBL.

AGAINST: This will end badly. The beginning and the middle won't be all that great, either.

FOR: At least it was short?

FOR: Roberts waiting until the pyro stops before finishing Edge's intro.

FOR: Edge: "Shut up, Cole!"

FOR: This match.

AGAINST: The hell's Batista doing up there?

FOR: Edge looks like he's dead.


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