Friday Night SmackDown! 7/20/2007: For and Against

FOR: The crowd cheering Edge having to give up the title.

AGAINST: Not only is that thing cursed, but it's kind of a symbol of when everything went south.

FOR: LOL at Edge claiming Kane's depriving the people of watching him.

AGAINST: What the hell song is this?

FOR: Oh.

FOR: Ah, the battle royal trick. They've gone to this well before.

FOR: The fans waving good-bye.

FOR: Victoria clipping Torrie's leg.

FOR: Victoria yelling at the crowd.

FOR: The Widow's Peak.

AGAINST: They're doing the battle royal now? Well, I guess they need a challenger for the winner or something.

FOR: Cole bringing up how Batista had to forfeit the title also AND how he couldn't face Edge for the title any more.

FOR: And again, entrances are reserved only for the people that matter.

FOR: I'm surprised Funaki lasted this long.

AGAINST: Why'd they all pick Henry to gang up on?

FOR: Kenny and Deuce celebrating.

FOR: The Noble elimination.

AGAINST: Doing essentially the same thing with the Eugene elimination.

FOR: The MVP/Matt Hardy mini-battle.

FOR: The Chavo/Yang/Masters sequence.

AGAINST: Why isn't Flair in this?


AGAINST: I just died a little inside.

FOR: Batista accepting his open challenge is still on, right? Please say yes. Please?

AGAINST: The translator does have a name. Something Singh. I haven't been able to pin it down yet.

FOR: The crowd is shitting all over this.

AGAINST: What's wrong with being a doctor?

AGAINST: Cole respects JBL?

FOR: JBL's response: "You should. 'Cause I'll slap you out of that chair." "Oh, quit sucking up."

FOR: Cole countering JBL's point with Matt Hardy.

FOR: Kenny's slingshot whatever-that-was.

FOR: About time they brought up the Spirit Squad.

FOR: Second-rope Twist of Fate.

AGAINST: The referee calling Batista and Kane "gentlemen".

FOR: JBL: "I was a really good champion."

AGAINST: Here's Khali to interfere.

FOR: And here's Long to make the Triple Threat match.

FOR: Batista, Cena, MVP, TAFKA Nitro, Candice, Umaga, Orton, Sandman, Chavo.


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