Friday Night SmackDown! 7/6/2007: For and Against

FOR: This is a city that cheered Michael Irvin, for fuck's sake. MVP should be right at home.

FOR: And there's the Nowitski slam.

AGAINST: MVP's RVD-esque stalling.

FOR: Test of strength?

AGAINST: The guy in the front row telling MVP to get back in the ring. Who the hell does he think he is?

FOR: JBL talking about the effect of the headbutt on your vision, of all things.

FOR: MVP and Matt throwin' 'bows.

FOR: That's the second week in a row Matt's pulled the Twist out of nowhere.

AGAINST: Flair and Finlay have to have met at some point, right?

AGAINST: What's Edge's problem?

FOR: That catch into the Master Lock was probably the most impressive thing Masters has ever done.

AGAINST: Well, that sucked.

AGAINST: And this is an even bigger mistake.

FOR: JBL: "I'm retired. I'm out. I'm retired."

AGAINST: Festus looks like he's dead.

FOR: Cole doesn't believe it either.

FOR: JBL: "They've met in a few bars."

FOR: The combined age in the ring is > 100.

AGAINST: The combined age in the ring is > 100.

FOR: The "countering chops" bit.

FOR: The "Celtic Knot".

FOR: Flair practically killing Hornswaggle with a chop.

FOR: Now that's a catfight. And if this leads to the return of the 'Psycho Bitch' ... good times, my friends.

AGAINST: This isn't even close to Chuck Palumbo's Smackdown debut.

FOR: Shane's doing a jig nonetheless.

AGAINST: Is that his old entrance video?

FOR: You had to think the roller skates would be a distraction.

AGAINST: We're doing this again?

AGAINST: Don't do it, Dave!

FOR: Serious heat for Khali leaving the ring.

FOR: What's with all the "Edge Sucks!" signs? Something's up.


AGAINST: That's... that's just not true.

FOR: Edge barring Kane from his ring? I can guess where this is headed.


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