ECW on Sci-Fi (7.3.07)

Sorry for the delay. Too much work to do, apparently. Which I'm not even being paid for! Ah...stupidity. It clings to me like, uh...something clingy. And just wait until you see how I fuck up next week's show (coming to a blog near you sometime tonight!). Not a good week for me, intelligence-wise. Heh.

-"Bodies" is no longer the theme of this show, for obvious reasons. Looks like they'll go with the traditional "This Is Extreme" theme for now. They need to go old school and use "Thunderkiss '65" again.

-Johnny Nitro is out for a match. The announcers helpfully explain that Punk and Nitro are responsible for picking the other's opponent for tonight. Nitro has chosen Kevin Thorn. Punk's pick…

Johnny Nitro v. Tommy Dreamer -

Dreamer opens with an armdrag. Nitro fires back with a Euro uppercut, but Dreamer tackles him for a nearfall. He takes Nitro over with a hiptoss and slams him. Nitro drops him with a kick and heads up top. Dreamer cuts him off and Nitro falls gutfirst across the top rope. Dreamer follows with an abdominal stretch and goes to work on the ribs. Backbreaker gets two. Nitro comes back, taking Dreamer down with a "Divorce Court" armbar. He immediately goes to work on the arm. Dreamer ducks a clothesline, though, nailing Nitro with a Cactus Clothesline that sends both of them over the top and to the floor.

Dreamer rolls Nitro back in. He decides to suplex him over the top and back out, but Nitro blocks it and snaps his throat across the top rope. He follows up with a dropkick that sends Dreamer crashing off the apron.


Nitro is back to working the arm when we return, picking up a few nearfalls in the process. Dreamer tries to mount a comeback, but Nitro lays in a few kicks to the bad arm and that's the end of that. He follows with the Capoeira legdrop across the injured arm, but can only get two. Nitro stuffs another Dreamer flurry, this time hitting an absolutely gorgeous arm Stunner. Dreamer manages to lift him up and charge into the corner, but then proceeds to charge into a back elbow. Nitro climbs to the second rope and rides Dreamer to the mat with a knee to the back of the shoulder. Cover gets two.

Nitro looks for his springboard kick, but Dreamer avoids it and levels him with a clothesline. Fallaway slam gets two. He ties Nitro to the Tree of Woe and connects with a running dropkick in the corner. DDT time! No one told Nitro that, though, as he counters free and snaps Dreamer to the mat by his bad arm. He plants him with the corkscrew neckbreaker and gets the win!

Decent enough match. It was a change of pace for Nitro. Good to see he can work a bit more methodically, while mixing in the bigger spots in his arsenal. His stock may just be rising. In my eyes, anyway, since we all know how important *my* respect is. Heh.

-Clips from Raw. Lashley is your new #1 Contender for the WWE Title.


-Boogeyman video package. Why?

-CM Punk video package.


-Extreme Expose returns next week. Yay?

-The replay the Punk/Nitro match from Vengeance to crown a new ECW Champion.

CM Punk v. Johnny Nitro -

Punk lays in some leg kicks at the start of the match. Wish he'd do a bit more of that, as it seems anyone with a pseudo-MMA-ish gimmick would want to use it a bit more. In terms of kayfabery, it would screw up a pro wrestler's gameplan even more than a fighter's. Nitro even busts out the Curt Hennig flip bump in the ropes, so go him! Nitro slaps Punk and bails, drawing him into a chase. Nitro ducks into the ring trying to get the jump on Punk, but he gets tripped up. Punk then connects with a slingshot splash.

Nitro comes back, reversing a whip and sending Punk chestfirst into the corner. Nitro hits his springboard kick on the rebound. He works over Punk's arm on the mat and levels him with a shortarm clothesline. He gives Punk a backbreaker, then immediately pulls him up and chains it into an armbar takedown. He covers and gets two. Back to the arm for Nitro. Punk ducks a clothesline and comes back with a step up enzuigiri. They trade strikes and Punk's going to come out on top there every time.

He signals for the running knee strike in the corner, but ends up running into a back elbow. Nitro quickly covers him (with his feet in the ropes), but Punk is out at two. Pepsi Twist by Punk (sort of a hammerlock that he twists into a lariat) gets two. He lifts Nitro for the GTS, but he elbows free and counters into a sunset flip. Punk won't go over, though. He sits down and gets two.

He follows with his running knee/bulldog combo. Punk climbs onto the apron. Time for the springboard clothesline, I bet. Nitro is as smart as me, as he also sees it coming. He ducks out of the way and Punk rolls into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Nitro stretches him out, with his feet elevated in the ropes, and plants him with the corkscrew neckbreaker. He makes the cover and we have a new ECW champ!

Fun match. It meandered a bit for a match so short, but I definitely enjoyed it.

-Main event is next!


-Miz video package.

CM Punk v. Kevin Thorn

We get the big man v. little man stuff at the start, as Thorn pounds on Punk briefly, until Punk uses his speed to take him down with a legsweep, then follows with a legdrop. He kicks Thorn in the spine and gets a quick two count. Thorn comes back, though, ramming Punk into the corner. Whip to the opposite corner. Punk floats over and starts laying in the leg kicks. He connects with a Harley Race like high knee and gets two. Thorn dumps him out, ramming him into the barricade and ring apron. Thorn rolls in to break the count. He climbs back onto the apron and Punk sweeps his leg, following with a slingshot senton into the ring.


Punk is working the arm when we return from break. Thorn powers him into the corner and pounds on him some more. Whip to the opposite corner. Punk looks for the floatover again, but this time Thorn catches him, dropping him across the top rope. Cover gets two. He plants Punk with a flapjack and follows with a clothesline for another nearfall. He whips Punk into the corner, but charges into a boot. And again. Punk comes off the second with a crossbody, but gets caught. Thorn spikes him in the corner with a powerslam. He goes for a Vader splash, but gets nothing but knees.

Punk takes him down with a drop toehold, sending him facefirst into the corner. KENTA Rush. He hits the running knee/bulldog combo, but can only get two. He heads up top, but Thorn cuts him off and sets up for Original Sin. Punk blocks and follows with a springboard clothesline. Cover gets two. Punk goes for the GTS, but Thorn blocks it and clotheslines him. He goes for the Crucifix powerbomb, but Punk slips away. He nails Thorn with an enzuigiri and quickly rolls him up for the win.

Postmatch, Nitro is out. Thorn jumps Punk, but is quickly disposed of. Nitro decides that maybe tonight isn't the best time to have it out with Punk, so he bails. This was okay. I prefer to see Thorn mauling guys, though. That's certainly playing to his strengths. Let Punk do the finesse stuff with other people.


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