Friday Night SmackDown! 9/23/2005: For and Against

FOR: Recalling the past Booker/Christian history.

FOR: That second-rope powerbomb.

FOR: Sharmell's eagle eyes.

AGAINST: Christian not doing a spinerooni of his own.

FOR: That sequence out of the corner.

AGAINST: Why's Nick Patrick bothering to replace the turnbuckle pad?

FOR: Eddie's clearly acting.

AGAINST: A horse?

FOR: "Jillian and I had a face to face talk and I'll tell ya, it was... shocking..."

FOR: "Presidential casual"

FOR: JBL taking a shot at Bush there?

AGAINST: That stupid shake Kennedy does in his motion chyron.

AGAINST: Stacy's dress. It's so not her.

FOR: Even though you can see the "black eye" joke coming it's stil funny.

AGAINST: Isn't it "S-Y-L-V-A-I-N?"

FOR: Actually showing us some of Sylvan's modeling photos.

AGAINST: What's he yelling at Stacy for?

FOR: She doesn't know either.

FOR: Sylvan's missile dropkick.

AGAINST: Why does Holly get to hang out with the girls?

AGAINST: Randy not selling the Tombstone.

FOR: Whoa.

FOR: Randy sensing something's wrong.

FOR: That was quite well done.

FOR: Kennedy punking Chimel.

FOR: "Yep. Gained another pound. The Simon System actually works."

AGAINST: Cole's over-everybody's-heads Joe McHugh reference.

FOR: Jenkinson might be right... the act's so good that the crowd's gonna start cheering this guy.

FOR: Tazz: "Who am I, Dick Clark now? I'm a wrestling commentator, for God's sake."

AGAINST: Is that the One and Only coming out of mothballs? There's no need for that.

AGAINST: It's a horse!

FOR: The nurse is kinda cute.

FOR: Simon selling this list of accomplishments.

FOR: The mark to beat is 22.5.


FOR: The look on Benoit's face.

FOR: The 'You Tapped Out' chant. In a perverse way, this may actually be getting Orlando over.

FOR: Tazz: "He did it!"

AGAINST: No, Orlando, you still have to win the match.

FOR: Cole and Tazz pointing out Orlando's last-longer celebration on the replay.

FOR: Eddie's acting since I guess June has been top-notch.

AGAINST: A Handicap Casket Match? Is the casket gonna be big enough?

AGAINST: "A young champion." Dude's like 39.

FOR: The shots of random cheering women in the audience.

FOR: Batista breaking up the ringside ambush.

FOR: Eddie stealing the pinfall.


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