SmackDown! 9/1/2005: For and Against

FOR: Over/under on combined "last Thursday Smackdown"/Friday Night Smackdown references: 19.

AGAINST: Where's Jillian? This seems fishy.

AGAINST: A Heidenreich singles match.

FOR: At least it's not an Animal singles match.

FOR: LOD/MNM next week.

AGAINST: That's not the smartest thing Melina's ever done.

AGAINST: You might want to mention the guy's name if you want to get him over.

FOR: I'm just going to call him Brian Black because I don't remember his character's name.

FOR: Black covering himself by commenting on Jillian's earrings.

FOR: The "in the ring" addition doesn't take away any of the innuendo from that statement.

FOR: So where is the Undertaker, anyway?

FOR: That's three.

FOR: That's a different way to call somebody out.

FOR: Randy and Bob playing the "father" card WRT Rey.

AGAINST: Hey, how's UPN gonna fill the next three Thursdays?

FOR: Beat The Clock 2!

FOR: This would be heelish if Benoit wasn't so damn funny doing it.

FOR: "It just so happens we're in a bathroom."

FOR: That clock's an ominous sign.

FOR: Benoit broke his own record!

FOR: You know what else this does is it puts over the Crossface as a move that can finish a guy off quickly.

AGAINST: Mind telling us who Batista's facing tonight?

FOR: Marcus Stroud's reaction to Stacy's ring entrance.

AGAINST: Sylvain... SYLVAIN?! That hack's still employed?

AGAINST: What is this, an evil metrosexual gimmick?

FOR: Thank you, Bob.

FOR: "Sly"~~~~~~~

FOR: At least neither of the girls turned heel, which is what I was afraid of with them getting along so well earlier.

FOR: A bullrope match?

FOR: JBL suggesting it to Black, and Long reminding us that's how JBL won the title last year.

AGAINST: Eddie/Rey again?

FOR: Oooh, in a cage.

FOR: Putting the "MISTER Kennedy" in his entrance music.

AGAINST: I'm actually laughing at this. I don't know if I'm inexplicably giddy tonight or what.

AGAINST: There's no Huntsville in Texas, is there?

FOR: It turns out there is.

FOR: Christian blaming Booker for being more concerned about Sharmell than the match last week, and Cole noting that he did walk out on him.

FOR: That flipping spin kick.

FOR: Tazz: "No, I don't feed him those jokes."

AGAINST: Oh, Sharmell. I know you can't help yourself, but this isn't gonna end well.

FOR: There's that move again.

AGAINST: What's with the Segway? Isn't exercise a critical ingredient of the Simon System?

FOR: I think we've found the answer to the Batista question.

FOR: Batista's "Are you kidding me?" look.

FOR: Oh, it's Palmer Cannon is what his name is.

FOR: "That's a great ad!"

FOR: Regal's EVIL!~~~~~ music.

FOR: Burchill looks like a young Val Venis, doesn't he?

AGAINST: Funaki? Well, Scotty's losing tonight.

AGAINST: There's a Kane book?

FOR: Orlando challenging Benoit again out of embarrassment and anger.

FOR: Next week is LOADED.

FOR: The camera work's really creepy here.

FOR: Eddie realizing the error of his ways in giving Rey ways out.

FOR: I've lost count but the over appears to have won handily.

FOR: Orton's so proud of himself. "You should not be in here with me! Do you understand?"

FOR: Rey clowning him and then mocking his pose.

AGAINST: That wasn't much of a segment.

FOR: Orton pulling his knee pad down before dropping it on Rey's throat.

AGAINST: Orton's overselling was way too obvious a setup for the 619.

FOR: They didn't do it. Good for them.

FOR: Ah, there's Bob to interfere.

FOR: The replay of the endgame -- I turned away for a second and didn't see that Orton had hit Rey low.

FOR: RKO off the top rope~~~ Necessary because of the height difference, but still a cool visual.


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