Rawbservations 9:19

8-MAN TAG! Sweet!

The old new belt. I was still surprised Cena didn't do the spin thing with a Big Eagle replica. Ever watched an old Angle match and wonder where the mass "You Suck" is, or is that just me? Vince here? Wow, it's like I have a brain. NO PANTS, that's whatcha got. I know Kurt's MY hero. He should steal the belt and jet, now. This just in: angry Vince rules. Taboo Tuesday? Oh, the EPMD (my background sing, my background sing for the crossover). 2 for 4. Well, that's plenty stupid.

And for the first time in Rawbservations history, I'm not wearing pants! They should get Maria in on this and just call them Mean Girls (which I guess would make Torrie Rachel McAdams by default, Victoria Lindsay version 1, Candice Lacey, and Maria Karen. Or Lindsayv1 Candice....you know). MaTrish! Again! Yay! Carpet Muncher from Torrie, which explains why she's married to a guy like Kidman. Widow's Peak! NO! DEATH TO VICTORIA! Clearly, Trish & Ashley need help. And that help should come from Gai...they did? Ah, hell.

The Newer Blackjacks? Or do I go some sort of Dukes of Hazzard reference? Hot crowd in Texas, per usual. Jake the Snake shoutout, ain't nothing wrong with that. Wasn't quite a missile dropkick; maybe a rocket launcher. If this means the return of the DDT into finisher-level territory I'll skip the ugly Murdoch joke. THIS week.

Hey, he was touching her back when you were Sexton Hardcastle, buddy. Well, Edge is gone--how else is he going to get his shot?

I missed Wrestling Challenge. Wait, was I the only one visualizing Tomko as the Berzerker? KO finish, I'm sure I heard him say HUSS...no?

Holy crap, Taboo Tuesday's here? I should go probably, huh? I mean, I'm in debt and all but I could see Trish LIVE!

So weird seeing a Flair nameplate on something not the World Title. You Tapped Out! Lookit that mouse, that is FEMA-response-ugly. Try to outcheat Flair? Why don't you try to outwhore Paris? FLOP! That? That's DAMN cool! Nice spot at the corner. Better one with the elbow drop. DOUBLE thumb to the eye! Well, he's--IT HIT! OMFG IT HIT! He's four-for-the-last-three-decades! Aw, man. Carlito rules, Flair rules, this match ruled.

THE ROBOT~! I haven't seen that since after my second Heineken Saturday night! "And we're out." Wow, he really is the Showstopper.

Because he beat Buddy Rogers. (Kids, ask your parents.) Playing the part of Matt Morgan will be Chris Masters. I miss Morgan--well, I miss calling his last finisher the F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-Fuck It, It's Over.

HBK waiting for Show and then talking smack was a nice touch. Side Effect! Aw, NyQuiLock. Matt's corner bump was king-sized. TWIST OF FATE! Michaels/Angle! It's not what I suggested last week but it'll hold me over. "Flying burrito"! C'mon, JR, call it the Flying Santana once just for me. No elbow? Wow. That Angle Slam-->sunset flip-->anklelock has so much of my heart, even more than the brunette from the club, the girl from high school at the club, the hot Indian hostess on my route today or the other hot brunette hostess who said I should stop in from lunch. Not all together, just any one or two of them combined. I'm still a nerd but C'MON NOW. ANGLE SLAM OVER THE BY GAWD TOP~! Holy Alba, a three-seg match. Edgeshooter! Shades of their Rumble match. It's like the penalty box up in there. SPEAR! Owenzuigiri by Michaels! The irony. I haven't seen Show like this since they cancelled the McRib. DOUBLE avalanche! SPEAR?! Newton's rolling over in his grave. Bowling pin spot! PIER 8~! (Thank you, JR, now how's about the Tito shoutout?) Hardy Launcher! The People's Fistdrop! One floor, going down! They so totally stole the stacked pin from lucha.

Now that that sweet main's over--why do I care about next week again?


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