Rawbservations 9:12

Joined in media res...

I miss Evil Shawn. He's a consumate pro as a face, but still. Yeah, Todd. Pull a Luda and move, bitch! Git out the way! The robe doesn't match the outfit? For shame, Ric. No double strut. A little disappointed, I gotta say.

He's not MexiCAN...I love JR trying to no sell this crap. What's the over/under on the first KILL WHITEY sign? "There is a man in that ring wearing khaki shorts." Baseball slide clothesline! FOLDING THE SHIRT~! Wave of the Future! I like King tying in the handicap match to the JR's no sell. "That was a hole in one."

Do we have to wait to put Angle in the Hall of Fame or could be just do it now?

It's getting cold in herre/so take off all your clothes. Out of all the Audioslave songs to choose, "Be Yourself" is the worst possible entrance music. Please. C'mon. YES! THE QUEEN IS BACK! I'm not crying, it's dusty in here! Fucking...display key on the remote! MATRISH! CHICK KICK! I kicked this off with Nelly when it should've been Mason Betha--welcome back, welcome back, our girl's back. I know I like that.

Even the security guard was bowing down. That's damn right. Here's Flexy Lexy. How can you not love Flair? Thumb to the eye? From Flair?! Next thing you'll tell me Brownie's not doing a good job. And now it's 2-for-17-trillion off the top. Diesel slam on the concrete! Where's the fastfor--oh, hell, I'm watching this in real time. Bah. Mmm...Lugery...tastes like mid 80's Hogan fodder. Figure Four! And here's Carlito. Ayup. Hey, Masters finally lost! Oh, no, the NyQuiLock!

I love Ken Kennedy.

There's only one thing that I hate, and it's a bunch of crap--oh, right: KENNEDY! It's so bizarre going from Chris Masters to Trevor Murdoch. I bet Dick didn't need a paternity test for him. The irony of Eugene doing JYD against a Murdoch I hope isn't lost on the kids. MOTHERFUCKING HANDSPRING ELBOW! Tarantula! I'm sure Coach was reminiscing seeing Cade pin Tajiri with the HBK elbow. 1) Tajiri needs something to do. 2) I will now be taking punchlines to the following: Trevor Murdoch is SO ugly, _______.

Anybody think Matt's getting rebuttal time?

Here's a fun idea: HBK goes over, Angle goes over, and we have us a rubber match at Survivor Series. Heh?

Like Tomko deserves his own entrance--ha! Thank you, techies. I still say by the end of the year JR pimpslaps Coach. Bulldog slam! The definitive highlight of Tyson in the post-Christian era. Kurt doing "Who, me?" is platinum. Sycophant! Go, JR! Did JR say fisherman's buster? GERMAN FU! That's injury to injury.


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