Penultimate Heat - 9.18.05

I meant to finish this earlier. Honest. But I've also been frantically trying to watch the entire first season of Lost over the past week, so that took precedence. I'm done now and wow. Can't wait until later tonight. What the fuck is in the hatch? Gah! This is maddening to me. Great, great show. It's running neck and neck with X-Files (in it's heyday) and Homicide as my favorite show ever. But that isn't why you're reading this (is it too much of an assumption to think that someone actually is reading this?). We have the penultimate edition of Heat ready and waiting. Too bad it's a PPV hype show.

-Earlier, John Cena arrived at the building. He limps in and Grish asks him about his ankle, after Angle murderized it on Raw. Cena claims that it's fine. He's gonna tape it up and he'll be ready to go.

-Clips of Steve Austin's appearance on the Bernie Mac Show. You know, Austin at 10% of his peak is still more engaging than 95% of the guys who make it onto WWE TV on a weekly basis. That's sad.

-Jerry Lawler interviews Ashley and Trish. They say stuff. Or more accurately, I can see their lips moving as I fast forward past. I can only assume that they actually said something.

-Footage from the Unforgiven press conference. HBK compares himself to OU, saying that he's everyones "game of the year."

-Commercial for Corpse Bride. Can't wait to see this. A Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my top two or three favorite movies of all time, so if this is even half as good I know I'll love it.

-Carlito promo. Same crap he's been saying for weeks. He's only a one time champ because no one can beat him. He doesn't respect Flair at all. After tonight, they won't call him a legend. They'll call him a loser. I expect more from Carlito. This promo? Not cool.

-TNA Impact commercial. Not sure if Johnny is planning to do this or not. Either way, I'll be recapping it. So if he does do it, read his for an engaging, humorous recap. Read mine for...something. Because I'll cry if you don't, I guess.

-Your official Unforgiven theme song is "Calling" by Taproot. I can admit to being a Taproot fan, I guess. There are certainly worse bands out there.

Rob Conway v. Tajiri -

Hey! A match! Conway takes control early and goes to work on Tajiri's arm. He breaks free and scores with a thigh kick. No dice, though, as Conway quickly plants him with a quebradora. He pounds on Tajiri in the corner and levels him with a clothesline for two. A second quebradora attempt isn't quite as successful, as Tajiri lands on his feet and lands a kick. He follows with a bulldog and a spinning heel kick. Handspring elbow connects. Conway reverses a whip, sending Tajiri into the corner. He charges into the Tarantula. Tajiri is up top, but leaps into a gut kick. Ego Trip and we're out...

Next week, the curtain drops on the WWE B-shows. I'll be here to cover every last second of it. Prepare to weep.


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