ECW on Sci-Fi (8.29.06)

Hey! It looks like I'm going to come through with this recap after all! The Internet is a wondrous place and many mysterious sources for the wrasslin' are available. Basically, once I read the results and saw that Punk was working Stevie, I had to track this show down. Even if I had to watch it on my PC (which I hate).

-The show opens with clips of the Big Show/Sabu match from last week. Or two weeks ago, if you go by that "reality" thing. Not that anyone who reads this has any sort of grasp on reality.

-Heyman talks about how ECW is his baby and that he's never had to compete in an ECW ring. Until tonight. But now, Dr. Frankenstein has to destroy the monster known as Sabu.

-Opening montage.

Rob Van Dam v. Hardcore Holly -

They trade strikes to start. Pretty sure Holly will win that particular game every single time. Van Dam comes back, taking him over with a monkey flip and following with a superkick. He clotheslines Holly over the top and follows him out. Holly nails him and goes for a suplex. RVD blocks it and dumps Holly gut first onto the barricade. Corkscrew legdrop off the apron connects! He rolls Holly back in.

Van Dam mounts Holly in the corner and punches away at him. Holly slips free, getting RVD into position for the Alabama Slam. Van Dam hangs onto the ropes to block, so Holly just dumps him over the top and out. The first camera angle made his bump look fatal, but they had to ruin it with a replay from a different angle that showed him landing fairly safely. I hate when they do that.

Holly rolls him in. He drops a pair of legs and grabs a rear chinlock. RVD manages to break it. He bounces off the ropes, but eats a dropkick on the rebound. Holly covers and picks up a nearfall. Holly goes for a whip, but Van Dam reverses him into the corner. He charges, hitting a spinkick in the corner. He follows with a pair of clotheslines, another superkick and hits a standing moonsault for two.

Windmill kick connects. RVD follows with Rolling Thunder and heads up top. Time for the Five Star frogsplash? Holly disagrees and RVD both crashes and burns. Holly rolls to the floor and grabs a chair. OMG this isn't extreme rules! The nerve! RVD ducks a chairshot and kicks him. He picks up the chair, hesitates briefly, then nails Holly to draw the DQ. A winner is Hardcore Holly.

Postmatch, Van Dam lays in a few more chairshots, including one on the floor that's just sick.

Nothing wrong with this, lame non-finish aside. But I was always more of a Bob Holly fan that the average person, so your mileage may vary.


-Renee Dupree? Still extreme. Or something. Dude skeeves me out.

-Big Show is out. To sum up, he challenges DX to a handicap match next week on this very show.

-Punk is up next!


-Shannon Moore? CREEPY. "Fight the power," sez he. Funny, he doesn't *look* like Chuck D.

CM Punk v. Stevie Richards -


Punk opens with a hammerlock, but Stevie quickly counters with a drop toehold. They trade a few counters on the mat, but Stevie gets bored and starts laying in chops. Punk returns fire, but gets cut off with a knee to the gut. Stevie backs him into the ropes. Looks like he wants a spear of some sort, but Punk sidesteps and Stevie crashes to the floor. Punk follows him out with a bigass tope!

Back in, Punk heads up top. Steviekick to the leg crotches Punk! Stevie snapmares him and gets two. He stomps on Punk, then whips him from rope to rope, driving a knee into his gut each time. He follows with a suplex and gets a nearfall. Bearhug by Stevie. Punk elbow free. Stevie sends him into the ropes and elevates him for a flapjack. Punk turns it into a dropkick in midair.

He whips Stevie into the ropes and connects with a leg lariat. He goes for another whip, but Stevie reverses, ducking his head. WELCOME TO CHICAGO, MOTHERFUCKER! No really, that's the name of Punk's double underhook backbreaker. He covers and gets two. KENTA rush. Stevie ducks the spinning backfist and drives Punk into the corner.

Shoulders to the gut by Stevie. He whips Punk into the ropes and looks for another kneelift. Punk floats over it, rolling him up for another nearfall. Stevie pops up and goes for a clothesline. Punk ducks it and catches the arm. Uranage! Anaconda Vice! Stevie manages to hold on for a few seconds, but ultimately taps out.

Really fun match. Made all the better because I'm a geek for Stevie Richards, of course. Punk continues to impress and he's definitely gotten over. Maybe with Tazz more than anyone, which can't be a bad thing at all.


-Quick segment for The Marine.

-Matt Striker comes out. Eventually, he calls out the Sandman. He hits the ring, but Striker nails him with his chalkboard and rams him into the desk. He staples Sandman on the forehead a few times, then quickly gets outta Dodge. He points at his head as he backs away. Indicating that he's SMRT, I bet!


-Balls is backstage. Kelly Kelly walks in, wondering if he knows where Mike Knox is. Balls does not. She flashes him. Balls is happy. Cut back to the announcers. Tazz: "The good looking guys get all the chicks." Hmm.

-Sabu tells us that he's going to massacre Heyman tonight. His promos seem like it literally pains him to string together more than one sentence at a time.

-Heyman gets his introduction. His security goons are in tow, of course.


Paul Heyman v. Sabu - Extreme Rules -

Not much to write about here, really. Just a *huge* cluster involving tons of people. Basically, random people attack Sabu and provide a buffer between he and Heyman. He fights back, but then the next wave of run ins catch him off guard. You have the riot squad, Big Show, Van Dam (on Sabu's behalf, obviously) and Hardcore Holly. Most of the match is Show killing Sabu dead.

There's a funny spot where Show is holding Sabu for Heyman. He hits him, then giddily jumps up and down and celebrates, because he has Sabu's blood on his hands. When RVD comes out, he manages to hit Show with a Van Daminator, then skateboards a chair into his face, taking him out. Heyman checks on him as Sabu crawls up behind him.

He whales on Heyman and hits an Arabian Facebuster. He rolls Heyman to Van Dam on the floor, where Show had the riot squad set up a table earlier. Sabu is looking for a triple jump splash to drive Heyman through, but Show cuts him off in midair with a wicked spear. Holly is out to attack Van Dam. He drives him through the table with an Alabama Slam.

In the ring, Show hits Sabu with the Cobra backbreaker and the Showstopper legdrop (don't ask me when they started calling it that, as that was the name of his chokeslam for years). He drags Heyman on top and this one is over! Heyman wins! Postmatch, Show chokeslams Sabu through a table and Heyman berates Sabu as we fade out.

This was a mess. An entertaining mess, at least, but still a mess.

Decent show this week. Two good matches and a stuntfest to top it off. That actually sounds like the ECW of old. Who knew? I should have last night's show up in a few hours. The recap is done, but I still need to type it up. Getting something to eat rates higher on my priority list right now, though, so...yeah.


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