Video Vault 13 - Because someone *did* demand it!

As you'll see, the first match I'm posting will totally justify this entire post. As soon as I saw it, I knew this was going up today. That I'm bored out of my skull and my PS2 is broken had nothing to do with it. I swear! Anyway, most of the matches on my "master list" that I made so I wouldn't have to search for stuff each time I wanted to do a VV post seem to be gone. A big hearty fuck you to, err...copyright laws, I guess. Heh. Expect to see a lot more puro, as that doesn't typically get yanked.
Great Muta v. Tajiri (AJPW - 8.26.06)
Oh man. I wish this would work on my PC because this is absolutely a dream match of mine and like...a million others. Guess this'll be one of the handful of puro shows I buy each year. (26:45)
KENTA v. Bryan Danielson v. Samoa Joe (ROH: In Your Face - 6.17.06)
There's a slight freeze in the middle of this, I guess, but it's supposed to work fine after that. Anyway, this is awesome. As the talent involved would indicate. (33:41)
Brainbusters v. Rockers
Now I think it's pretty obvious from recaps and what I post here that I'm a ginormous fan of tag wrestling. More so than just about anyone, really. It's also obvious that I'm a huge Midnight Express fan and that I consider them probably the best team ever. All that said, I've been watching a bunch of Anderson/Blanchard stuff over the past month or so and damn, were they ever good. Somewhere along the line, I seem to have forgotten just how good they were. Bad Shane. (9:25)
Moondogs v. Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett
More and more, I'm getting the feeling that there are a ton of people out there who think that ECW started the concept of "hardcore" wrestling. That's far from the case, as the Memphis territory(among others) was doing the wild, unhinged brawls long before ECW even existed. Here's one of them and boy howdy does it ever look hurty. (9:58)