Friday Night SmackDown! 9/22/2006: For and Against

FOR: Sharmell's dress.

FOR: Booker/UT? Now THAT'S a match worthy of a season premiere.

FOR: New opening!

AGAINST: Same music.

FOR: Batista reappropriating the shilleagh.

FOR: Layla!

AGAINST: This is an odd choice for a second segment.

AGAINST: Did Jillian just turn heel again?

FOR: I guess not.

BOTH: Hardy/Helms again?

FOR: JBL: "Damn right it's a bold statement. I'm a bold person."

AGAINST: Cole saying "Hoo-rah!"

FOR: "Parlay vouse frances."

FOR: JBL on Miz-Funaki: "And what a matchup. We got two guys who can't speak English."

AGAINST: Intensity? What intensity?

FOR: The running rana counter over the wall spot.

FOR: Rey bringing the hate.

AGAINST: They're giving away the three-team tag title match?

AGAINST: They brought Maryse in just for that?

FOR: London's hot tag.

FOR: Sliced Bread #2!

FOR: The finish. They've done some inventive finishes for London/Kendrick matches, but Stevens' clothesline to break up Kash's cradle causing it to reverse and put London on top may have been the best one yet.

FOR: That's the biggest pop Sylvan will ever get.

FOR: This crowd.

FOR: Cole: "Well, when you're in New York City they ... oh no, they don't cheer for you."

FOR: Cena!

FOR: OK, Cena, Batista and Lashley vs. the Court? That's legitimately huge.

AGAINST: Kennedy's already got custom sweats?

FOR: Kennedy's fear.

AGAINST: Kennedy's false bravado. It's so transparent.

FOR: JBL selling Undertaker to Kennedy.


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