Friday Night SmackDown! 6/9/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: Wheeling, West Virginia?

FOR: Lashley's payback ambush.

FOR: Long booking Lashley/Regal.

FOR: Crazy/Kendrick.

FOR: This opening chain-wrestling sequence and the crowd reacting to it.

FOR: Crazy's spiral bomb.

FOR: Cole: "Maybe you should have a few more salads."

FOR: What the hell was that?


FOR: At least he waited until the match was over.

FOR: London trying to help.

AGAINST: London failing.

AGAINST: Psicosis running scared.

FOR: Cole getting over the point that Undertaker's the only one who might be able to stop this guy.

AGAINST: How do girls who look like Christina Vidal and Rachael Taylor end up in work-release?

FOR: Simon Dean: "I gotta go get a protein shake... I got three extras."

FOR: Vito's moving surprisingly well.

FOR: Tazz: "I guess maybe I didn't really know him..."

AGAINST: The pop Vito's underwear got.

FOR: Vito's swinging side DDT.

FOR: Regal returning Lashley's favor-returning favor.

AGAINST: The "Regal" chant. He's a heel!

FOR: Cole: "What is this, France in the 1500s?"

FOR: Regal breaking out a dropkick?

AGAINST: The obvious edit.

AGAINST: Booker didn't try all that hard to get Regal back in the ring.

FOR: New music for Ashley?

FOR: Miz is surprisingly (almost disappointingly) reserved.

FOR: Kristal working it. Well then.

FOR: And that would be the Michelle heel turn happening one week later than expected.

AGAINST: Are they booing Jillian? Sure, she could've picked a better color, but still...

AGAINST: Can we get this poor bastard some colored tights so we don't see him shit himself and a trip to a tanning salon? For God's sake.

FOR: I was thinking that Mark Henry's Path Of Destruction might be tied in to Batista's return.


FOR: The T-shirt aftermath. "Why did he do that?" "'Cause no one likes you."

AGAINST: Where's Scotty's gear? Did he just arrive or something?

FOR: Senton bomb!

FOR: The whole Tazz angle.

AGAINST: So who's gonna replace him? Damn it.

FOR: Rey deciding to stay.

FOR: Heyman: "You need a color commentator! You lost your last guy."

AGAINST: Did that thing just pull Rey under the ring?

FOR: This match.

AGAINST: Rey loses again?

FOR: The leprechaun thingy pulling the table back the first time.

FOR: Sabu standing on the top rope.

AGAINST: Sabu stopping on the top rope. See the difference?


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