RAW 6/5/2006: For and Against

FOR: I hope this Raw doesn't suck like the last one I saw, oh... six months ago.

FOR: The "like a member of the family" line.

AGAINST: I can see the difference already. Smackdown hyped two matches. Raw hypes a contract signing and Vince McMahon's ass.

AGAINST: Cena and RVD have lawyers?

FOR: Cena's promo.

AGAINST: The table no-selling the Sabu flying chair spot.

FOR: Lilian saying "Carlito." That's hot.

AGAINST: No reference to the history between Shelton and Carlito?

FOR: I didn't know Carlito had moves like that. Nice finish.

FOR: That actually took a little less time than I thought. (bonus points to HHH still pulling on his elbow pads.)

FOR: The Spirit Squad attacking Show, causing HHH to lose.

FOR: Hacksaw!

AGAINST: Striker's knee pads. They match the sweater, of all things.

FOR: JR: "By the way, Striker is an American."

AGAINST: "The Samoan Bulldozer."


FOR: Mick taking Angle to task for stealing his bit.

FOR: Edge's point about Angle being disgusted with ECW the first time around.


FOR: Orton accepting Angle's open challenge.

FOR: Cade and Murdoch back together.

FOR: Melina!

AGAINST: Melina's hair. Two colors tops, honey. Anything more is just tacky.

FOR: JR: "Easy, Captain Cialis."

AGAINST: Haas' beard.

AGAINST: They're applauding an Irish whip into the corner?

AGAINST: Was that a "Lilian" chant?

FOR: Haas' monkey flip.

AGAINST: Charlie, it doesn't matter what happened to Melina. Keep your eye on the... ah, crap.

FOR: Oh, that's what happened. You know, I thought Haas might have clipped Lilian as she was getting out of the ring.

FOR: Victoria's hair.

FOR: JR: "Here comes Nutgirl."

FOR: The whole updated 50's bobbysoxer look Mickie's got going on. It's charmingly different. Too bad she's Tara Reid crazy.

FOR: Victoria's cutter through the ropes.

FOR: Did Victoria mean to do that?

AGAINST: That finish took too long to develop.

AGAINST: The replays of the Sabu spot only make it look worse.

AGAINST: Does Shane actually think HHH thinks they're on the same side?

FOR: HHH spitting the water out.

FOR: JR bringing up his membership in the Kiss My Ass Club.

AGAINST: Vince's 'leadership by example' lie.

FOR: HHH selling it.

FOR: At least they're not showing the ass tricks.


FOR: JR theorizing that HHH either sensed it coming or learned from what happened to Shawn to dodge the bullet.


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