Video Vault 10 - It's on like neckbone, sucka!


So, yeah. This is mostly a crutch I use when I'm not writing to make it appear like I'm contributing something.'s a trade secret! But I'm bored and people might actually watch some of this stuff, so I'm here to provide entertainment to the masses, even though I have started writing more regularly again. If by masses you mean the 1000, 500, 100...8 people who regularly read this, of course. (note: this rough estimate might be overstating our readership by as many as 8 people)

Lex Luger v. Bruiser Brody - Cage match (Florida Championship Wrestling - 1986)

This is the infamous match that turns into a shoot as Brody doesn't particularly feel like selling for the rookie. He also has blades taped to all of his fingers. Not nearly as dramatic as it sounds, but I suppose it has some historical value. Especially to a "smart" fan, I guess. And yes, the referee is none other than Bill Alfonso. (7:58)

Necro Butcher v. Low Ki (Part 1 - 8:25)
Butcher/Ki (Part 2 - 8:28)
Butcher/Ki (Part 3 - 8:37)

This is from the IWA:Mid South show "We're No Joke" (4.1.06). Brutal, brutal match and it lived up to all the hype going into it. Necro makes vintage Cactus Jack look almost sane. The big Ghetto Stomp from Ki in this match needs to be seen to be believed. Watch this match. Believe the Necro hype. The new age of brawlers has arrived...

Steve Regal v. Fit Finlay - Parking Lot Brawl (Nitro - 4.29.96)

Speaking of brawlers, watch these two kick the ever loving shit out of one another and smile at the beauty of it all. I don't know...all the flips in the world can be really entertaining, but the simplicity of punching a dude in the face is what's drawing me as a wrestling fan these days. It's really a lost art. (7:07)

Barry Windham v. 2 Cold Scorpio (WCW - Clash XXIII - 6.16.93)

Awesome match. It's a shame that Scorpio is all but forgotten in the US at this point. He's possibly the most underrated aerial wrestler of the last 15 years. Windham is one of my favorite two or three workers ever, so posting this is a no brainer. (16:58)

Brian Pillman debuts in ECW (Cyberslam '96 - 2.17.96)

Whenever I see one of my favorite promos pop up I feel compelled to post it. This certainly fits the bill. Pillman shows up in ECW, trashes Eric Bischoff, threatens to piss in the ring and tries to kill a fan with a fork. What's not to love? Pillman was ahead of his time. (8:37)


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