Friday Night SmackDown! 1/13/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: "Rumored" injuries? Theodore Long's out there with Batista? Put two and two together, guys.

AGAINST: This sounds more like a "retirement" speech than an "I'm hurt and I'm just forfeiting the title" speech.

FOR: He does sound like he means it, though. The stuff about being a proud champion and all that.

FOR: Batista shaking hands and hugging the crew. (That was Steamboat?)

FOR: The Best Of Seven video package.

FOR: Orton trying to get out of the U.S. Title match and into the battle royal.

FOR: Long shooting him down.

FOR: The early grappling.

FOR: Benoit taking a page out of Eddie Guerrero's book (and Cole noting it)

FOR: The pop the very threat of the Crossface gets.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Whoa! Benoit's nuts! And Orton taking that spill to the floor was most unexpected.

FOR: This match. It's a lot different than anything we've seen between these two. Or really, anything we've seen in a while.

FOR: Orton holding his own on the mat.

FOR: Fisherman's suplex!

AGAINST: That move NEVER works.

FOR: People in the crowd doing Benoit's throat slash.

FOR: Benoit getting two visual tapouts. Puts emphasis on the sure-to-be-coming screwjob.

FOR: Well, if you're gonna do it that way...

FOR: Very good match, though.

FOR: Piper: "I just don't know how to interview myself."

AGAINST: That's a rather motley crew of Smackdown talent in the battle royal. Is that even 15 guys?

AGAINST: Jillian's overemoting.

AGAINST: JBL really shouldn't keep cutting Piper off like that.

AGAINST: "You'll never find a pine box?" What the hell does that mean?

FOR: Piper: "Well, the damn thing's got lungs."


AGAINST: Oh God no.

FOR: Okay, THAT'S the greatest thing the Boogeyman's ever done.

FOR: Piper making up Hail Marys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

FOR: Melina's looking especially tasty tonight.

FOR: You can tell who's being set up to be somewhat important in these things by whose entrances get shown on TV.

FOR: So it'll be 20 men in the battle royal. Who ARE the last two? I don't see Rey out there.

FOR: ANGLE?!?!?!?!?

FOR: Long seeming to know what's going on.

AGAINST: Cole and Tazz not asking him about it. He's RIGHT THERE.

FOR: JBL reigniting the brand war by taking on Angle himself.

FOR: JBL losing that battle.

FOR: The belly-to-belly overhead suplex elimination of Burchill.

AGAINST: What's Mark Henry doing?

AGAINST: You do know Angle's still legally in the match, right?

AGAINST: How is Sylvan still in this thing? Did they just forget?

FOR: Rey's expression when he turns and sees Henry.

AGAINST: Did Angle just turn face?

AGAINST: Tazz missing another aspect of Angle's headscissors -- try to get the big man winded by cutting off oxygen. It's especially egregious after they made a big deal out of it in the Benoit/Orton match.

FOR: The "live" finish showed that Angle didn't touch the floor more clearly than the replay did.


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