Raw in 90 Seconds

Edge: poses
Jack Bauer: C'mon, now.
Will Smith: Switch! Heyyyyyyy!
Jack Bauer: does cool shit
Will Smith: Switch! Heyyyyyyy!
Edge: the truth
Crowd: BOO!
Will Smith: Switch! Heyyyyyyy!
Remote: I'm getting dizzy.
Sean Astin: Hi. I work here now.
Chloe: Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!
Sean Astin: Uh...what?
Chloe: You remind me of a guy.
Will Smith: Switch! Heyyyyyyy!
Edge: Now you, as my number one ho, will get on your knees and smile like a donut.
Angle: pyro
Angle: 'Bout fucking time. Your girl...I don't mean to say she sleeps around, but even Mr T's hit that. I am Number One and The Best.
Edge: Everybody who's beaten John Cena take a step forward...oh, not so fast, Mr. Clean!
Angle: Big tease!
Edge: Yeah, right! You're Mello Yello, I'm Mountain Dew.
Angle: Au contraire, mon frere. More like you done. GERMAN
Vince: swagger
World Title: Hey, uh, shouldn't you--
Vince: I said SHUT UP.
World Title: Right.
Intercontinental Title: At least he still knows you.

Lawler: Puppies?
Angle, HBK: NO.
Angle: Slam?
HBK: Kicky! superkick
Angle: SLAMMY!

HBK: dies
The power of Christ compels y--
Angle: Fuck your God, your Lord, and your Christ! POP UP ANGLE SLAM
HBK: dies II
Norm McDonald: OR SO THE GERMANS AND ANGLE SLAM WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE! It's nice to be working again.
Angle: Guess who learned from WrestleMania?
HBK: Not enough. reverses points to contract
Ah, Shawn, c'mon...
HBK: I said points to contract
NO. moves, drops the straps
Temptations: Na na na na?
Daivari: Whoops?
Shawn: YOINK! rollup
Angle: WTF, mate?
Daivari: Uh...you see...what had happened...
Angle: You pooched the screw!
Daivari: has bowl of Stupid Flakes
The only thing terminated around here is your spine, bitch. ANGLE SLAM SUICIDA!
Daivari: martyred

kick-ass gunfight
Uh...what else is on? Oh, that's right: NOTHING.
Vince: ahem
Butch: You'll get your turn, Masters pusher.
Masters: My pusher's here? About time.
Butch: sighs

Trish: (Charlie Brown's teacher noises)
Ashley: (Charlie Brown's teacher noises)
Trish: funny
Ashley: Anvil!
Mickie: He was one of my favorite growing up. Maybe I should have some rum for this chilly reception. You know what'll win the day? Enthusiasm! pats Trish on the butt
Butch: pause
Butch: rewind
Butch: pause
Butch: rewind
Butch: pause
Butch: rewind
Butch: pause
Butch: rewind
Butch: pause
Butch: rewind
Remote: Oh, I'm gonna be sick...

Masters: poses
Butch: watches 24
Terrorists: SWERVE!
Girls, Kids: YAY!
Guys: Uh...
Vince: See how I waited until 24 was over?
Masters: rest hold
Cena: Damn.
Masters: rest hold
Cena: That is wack.
Edge: Hi. shows belt Better look? WHOMP

Vince: This show needs more me. Hey, it's Flair!
Vince: goes on FOREVER
Candice: bounces
Flair: You believe this guy?

Face Girls: Everything's fine! Seriously.
Mean Girls: You can look but don't you hump, WHOO!
Gabrielle Union: I thought you said Mean Girls.
Butch: Less talk and more cheerleader outfit, Gaby.
Lawler: PUPPIES!
Styles: dies a little inside
Trish's butt: TRISH!
Butch: Good thing that reminded me, otherwise I never would've looked at Trish's toned shapely perfectly pear-shaped ass. What?
Sisqo: Let me see that...no, my supervisor at Hot Dog on a Stick is covering for me.
Trish: tags in Ashley
Mickie: What? But I have all the experience! And I kick real good! Why does Trish get to decide who's in the match when I'm just as good, kick just as good and throw just as good forearms and she tags in Ashley OH my GOD we should totally JUST KILL ASHLEY!
Lacey Chabert: Well played.
Butch: And you! That doesn't look like naughty librarian to me!
Ashley: eep
Mickie: whap
Everybody: WTF, bird?
Victoria: Ah, another chapter to the eternal debate. Cheap opportunity exploited or brilliance personified? So hard to say. Hey, Ash, go see your chiropractor tomorrow and ask. Widow's PEAK!
Ashley: dies

Carlito: Hey, yo. hops in the time machine to injure RVD back in June
Vince: Crap, we're going to have to Jericho him.
Carlito: Despite your hostile reactions I remain convinced there will be no comeuppance in my future.
Kane: KABOOM Really?
Carlito: Dat's not...right!
Kane: One floor, going down. dumps KABOOM

Black People Everywhere: Is that Gauntlet show still on?

Shelton: I'm sure I'll be all right.
Big Show: No, you won't. But I'm not going to hate on a man who loves his moms.
Shelton: Really?
Big Show: Yeah. But I'm still going through you like a buffet.
Shelton: :(
Big Show: whap whap whap
Shelton: :( :(
Triple H: Surprise!
Big Show: NO! brawl
Shelton: Can't you count faster!? TEN *WHEW*!

Edge: bap whap
Flair: chop
Edge: whap And now, for my new crowning achiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Flair: has the balls
Lita: Don't even.
Flair: Ha! Even!
Edge: WHAP No, that's even. Jimmy who? superfly through the table
Everybody: Holy SHIT!
Jack Black: It's levitation, holmes.
Flair: Blood only empowers me! I don't think so, motherfucker! WHAP CLONG NOW!
Edge: You really thought this was going to work? Senility much? UBERPLEX
Flair: ow
Edge: ow. You know what'll aid my recovery? Stupid Flakes! misses
Flair: HA! FLOP
Edge: HA! WHAM!
George Michael: Jitterbug. snaps fingers
Flair: Surprise! knocks ladder over
Table: I don't recall an eclipse ton...ah, hell.
Edge: dies
Flair: WHOO!
Everybody: WHOO!
Lita: Us crack whores need money.
Flair: figure 4
Edge: He who takes his eyes off the prize gets punched in the face!
Flair: drops
Edge: Hello, precious! I feel better. spear MUCH better, actually.
Cena: That'll last.
Cena: pummels
Edge: flees
Butch: wonders what Chloe's like in the sack


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