Friday Night SmackDown! 12/30/2005: For and Against

FOR: Booker's suit.

FOR: Working Booker's actual injury into the storyline.

AGAINST: JBL's dancing.

FOR: JBL's multiple swinging neckbreakers.

AGAINST: What the hell's the Boogeyman doing here?

AGAINST: Ew. Right in the cleavage.

FOR: Sharmell bringing up that Orlando's not the best choice to stand in for Booker.

FOR: "You tapped out when you walked up here."

FOR: Melina's having a press conference?

FOR: "Ths entrance sort of rivals Melina's, doesn't it?" "No." THANK YOU, TAZZ.

AGAINST: "This is the bigger of the Dicks." Geniuses. GENIUSES.

FOR: Jumping enziguiri to the spine? That's a new one on me.

FOR: The back body drop/missile dropkick out of midair spot.

AGAINST: Randy needs some smelling salts.

FOR: Booker appealing to Randy's need for glory.

AGAINST: What's Melina so nervous about?

FOR/AGAINST: I like the electronic scrolling displ;ays, but I don't like four of them on Nitro's coat.

AGAINST: Uh-oh. Where is this going?

FOR: The music change at the end of the Batista/Melina flashback.

AGAINST: Can we get the press corps a platform or something? They're looking right at the ropes.

AGAINST: Yep. It's going where I think it's going.

FOR: Crowd's not buying it.

AGAINST: A lawsuit? Weak.

FOR: Still, it's better than yet another unrealistic arrest angle.

FOR: I think I like Cole and Tazz not immediately jumping all over the fact that we know she's lying.

FOR: Booker on commentary.

AGAINST: Randy's overselling the chops a bit.

FOR: Booker: "You can't work on the eye muscle."

FOR: Tazz: "That was a very long soundbite, but thank you."

FOR: Cole turning Booker's Frank Reich analogy around on him.

FOR: The suplex onto the barricade.

FOR: Booker predicting the triple German suplexes, Benoit only doing two, then not being able to lock the Crossface in after only doing two.

FOR: Randy biting Benoit's hand.


FOR: Randy's Sharpshooter counter.

FOR: Booker: "A fan just jumped in the ring!"

AGAINST: That RKO was kind of pointless.

AGAINST: "The Notorious K.I.D."

FOR: Is Fit Finlay coming back?

AGAINST: 1904? Anyone?

FOR: Nitro kicking Rey down in mid-springboard.

FOR: Really, it'd be three times in eight months.

FOR: Melina's reaction upon seeing Batista behind her.

FOR: Rey rolling around, using the ropes, and hitting the double DDT.

AGAINST: Mark Henry's still alive?

FOR: Melina's evil smile.


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