Friday Night SmackDown! 1/27/2006: For and Against

SIGN OF THE WEEK: We Found Benoit's Lucky Tooth

AGAINST: Henry/Mysterio again?

FOR: Daivari admitting he set Angle up. "And it felt good."

FOR: Rey's disappearing act.

FOR: Rey's comeback.

AGAINST: Is Randy suggesting what it sounds like he's suggesting?

FOR: Tazz: "Seeing a New Yorker gyrate like that is a little disturbing." I couldn't agree more.

FOR: I don't think Orton saw that chop coming.

FOR: The crowd cheering for plunder.

FOR: The drop toe hold into the trash can.


WHOA: They actually mentioned the piledriver ban?

FOR: Orton using the trash can lid as a shield.

AGAINST: He probably could have waited an extra second.

FOR: Benoit's retaliation.

FOR: This match. We don't see weapon-fests like this anymore, and this was a good job of mixing in their usual good stuff with some things the WWE doesn't usually do these days.

FOR: Old-school Rumble promos.

FOR: Gotta like somebody who can use the words "anxieties" and "ailments" while berating the fans.

AGAINST: "A small beauty mark."

FOR: JBL's reaction.

FOR: Cole: "Tell me when it's over."

FOR: Even Scotty looks a little concerned.

AGAINST: A worm shower?

AGAINST: Enough with the closeups.

FOR: Melina's hair.

AGAINST: Didn't we do the "underling threatens Theodore Long's job" angle last year with Carlito?

AGAINST: "Final Destination 3"? Who is watching this crap?

AGAINST: The Rumble undercard. Mark Henry? The Boogeyman? Ashley? Could be one of the worst ever.

AGAINST: And we couldn't find some challengers for these guys as an opener?

AGAINST: Melina squealing again. That's the only mark against her.

FOR: Nitro pulling Mercury out of the way of Angle's shoulder charge.

AGAINST: A roll of quarters? Melina, you're better than this. [/Kilborn]

FOR: Angle sending Nitro flying out of the ring and the shot.

FOR: Henry shaking off the ankle lock.

FOR: Angle's reaction.


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