Random WCW TV #1

Oh, WCW, how I miss thee. Not because it's ironic to dig on crap, but because I was genuinely more into their product than I ever was WWF/E. Even at it's worst, I always watched Nitro live and taped Raw. At any rate, I was organizing tapes and found a bunch that were unlabeled, with me having no clue what treasures they held. Most of it was the ECW on TNN run, but there was also a bit of random WCW stuff on there. Some of it I might have already recapped, but who cares? Nostalgia has moved this to the top of my recapping list. It'll come in small chunks, though, simply because of my time constraints these days...

WCW Thunder - Manchester, England - 11.15.00

We join this show in progress, as I apparently taped an episode of Angel (another show I miss, for what it's worth) over the start.

Big Vito v. Reno - (JIP) -

Just as we cut in, Vito delivers an elbow off the top for two. He plants Reno with a backdrop suplex and heads back up top. He can't get his footing and ends up falling way short on a diving headbutt. Reno's fellow NBT's Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire run out. Jindrak distracts the ref, allowing O'Haire to kick Vito's head off. Reno Rolls the Dice and picks up the win. Postmatch, he grabs the mic and lets Crowbar know that at WCW Mayhem, he'll be taking back his Hardcore title.

This looked bad. I'm not a fan of Vito (to this day, as he now mucks up my enjoyment of Nunzio matches). I did like Reno, though. Yeah, I was that guy. Reno's only fan. Remember that O'Haire kid? He looked to have a bright future ahead of him. *snicker*

-WCW's CEO, Ric Flair (I have no memory of this) drops some knowledge. First, on Nitro he made a ruling that Mike Sanders (!!!) had 48 hours to decide who he wanted to defend the Cruiserweight title against. Time is up tonight. Also, Crowbar will defend the Hardcore title against Bam Bam Bigelow. Last but not least, Mayhem will be the last match between Canadian Champion Lance Storm and General Rection. I'd totally forgotten about that feud until right now! Remember when people actually cared about DeMott? Oh, fuck off...they totally did and you know it!

-"Mean" Gene interviews Team Canada. And by Team Canada, I mean Lance Storm. He wants a shot at Booker T's world title...tonight! Major Gunns (ugh, she's still hideous) reminds us to not blame Canada, but to, in fact, blame ourselves. Gene calls her a self serving bitch. Whoa! Gene's fired up tonight!

Bam Bam Bigelow v. Crowbar - Hardcore Title -

We don't have to wait for the plunder, as they toss all sorts of junk into the ring, incluing a pair of tables. Bigelow also props a table against the railing at ringside. They brawl for a bit, both in and out of the ring. Bigelow moves the table, laying it against the ring apron. He tries to put Crowbar through it, but gets shoved through himself. Stevie Ray is doing commentary, by the way, and he RULES IT! Give this man a job! The brawl continues, with Bigelow eventually tossing Crowbar into a table that won't break. He lays Crowbar on the table (which does make it break HAW! HAW!), but misses a somersault splash.

Back to the floor we go, with Crowbar hitting a Van Daminator. Bigelow comes back with a chairshot. In a brief aside, let me mention that there's a dude in the crowd that looks EXACTLY like a young John Kerry. You and I both know that John Kerry was never young, though, so this is a paradox I'm not quite prepared to explain. Back in the ring, Bigelow sets up a table and rols Crowbar *under* it. This can't end good. Luckily, everyone's favorite fatty chaser, Mike Awesome runs out and shoves Bigelow off the top and through the table. He politely allows Crowbar to vacate the area beforehand, though. Awesome rolls Crowbar on top and he gets the win.

There's a reason hardcore wrestling has died out. On a weekly basis, at any rate. It got really watered down and essentially meant nothing. This is a perfect example of a completely random brawl that went nowhere and did nothing for either guy.

-Gene interviews Booker T. He complains about not getting any respect, even after being in WCW since '92. He's focused on Scott Steiner, but lets Storm knows that it's on like neckbone tonight. "Welcome to Hell."

-Awesome and Crowbar chat backstage. Bigelow attacks, but WCW's crack security team quickly breaks it up.

-Misfits! IN ACTION! are backstage, chillin'. Lt. Loco suggests that after Mayhem, it might be best if they spent some time apart. Cpl. Cajun gets all up in his grill and everyone argues. Rection pounds on the table to get their attention, saying that if they break up now, then they really *were* misfits all along and all they've done would mean nothing. Everyone goes hands in the middle and it's a happy family.

This would be the point last night where I decided to go to sleep, so this will be continued whenever it is. Cryptic!


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