Rawbservations 8:15

Let us all rise for Pastor Shawn. Like they were going to start any other way. They're chanting something; I can't make it out. HA! He's better than Fozzy. This would be a perfect time for the Hitmidget. Ah, well. No way. There's no way. I can not--WILL not--boo this man. If I were to do it, I'd have Bret jump him now. See? Too good. The man is too good. Oh, don't pull this on Shawn, he'll hold up the whole produ--see? Us deserved egomaniacs think alike. Gotta love Canadian crowds. A STFU chant. Evil Shawn should really get a run with the belt.

Why would you want to be the next Christy Hemme? Oh, right, the money. Is Show defending the Who's More Grizzled title? DAMN. Is there some sort of mercy rule? Double your backdrop, double your chokeslam. Why hasn't the Show/Carlito thing carried over?

This is the only time I can say this: listen to the pop for Rene Dupree. GET HIM, Kurt! Snap it! SNAP IT! I can't believe Kurt hasn't done the "you may be special but I'm going to make you handicapped" line. Goddamnit it all, Kurt fucking rules.

This should be the part where Trish comes back and kicks them all the head. *waits* Well, there's a second chance.

To paraphrase Al Davis: the pretty boy must go dowen, and he must go dowen hod.

You know what else is getting it poppin'? My zipper. (Hey, my last chance to do that joke.) D'Lo did it, Jerry. I miss D'Lo. I liked Tweener Eric about 5 billion times better than this guy. Someone give the cameramen a raise! Hey, girls! There was more action during the commercial break! I'm still waiting for the hardcore Shelton/Carlito rematch. Spit take! Now that...that's cool! Ghettos of Winnipeg Blaster! Geez, Jericho doesn't even get to beat Cena in a handiDAMN! Somebody get that man a contract with the Jays!

That's French for "She's a crack whore!", right? (Looks it up: "Your pussy smells!") Wow. That's much better. Merci beaucoup, Montreal! OW that knee was vicious. Edgeshooter! Cue Matthew. Or not. Buff! Daddy! Buff! Daddy! No, that joke isn't ever going to get old: why do you ask?

SportsCenter isn't next. That guy's on drugs. Nice Owen tat, bruh. SportsCentre! OHHH. Wacky Canadians. Why'd security clear out the front row? That's not even the Angle Slam setup, King. You've seen it a thousand times by now. There you go. And the Lawd said you got to warm the band UPAH! SHARPSHOOTERE~! That guy in the front row had it right: HBK Is GOD.

See you in two weeks, bitches!


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