SmackDown! 8/25/2005: For and Against

AGAINST: Why's Randy coming out for a gloat interview in his gear?

FOR: Oh, it's a match. My mistake.

AGAINST: "Masterful" use of a side headlock? Please, Cole.

FOR: Holly blocking the RKO.

FOR: Orton hooking the far leg on the cover after the second RKO.

AGAINST: Bob Orton striking Randy's pose.

AGAINST: This "network" guy seems a little shady to anyone else?

FOR: I heart six-man tags.

AGAINST: Are they trying to turn Christian face?

FOR: Guess not.

AGAINST: What's he done lately? He beat your ass at the Great American Bash, Christian!


FOR: Cole making sure the viewers know Booker wasn't necessarily helping Christian.

AGAINST: "The greatest tag team in history?" Please.

AGAINST: A Heidenreich match.

FOR: This feud restarting.

FOR: The double distraction.

FOR: I thought Mercury was going for legdrop on Heidenreich. Nice misdirection.

FOR: Benoit going all Beat The Clock on us.

AGAINST: Cole and Tazz going back and forth between questioning Booker & Christian's ability to get along and praising their teamwork.

FOR: Crazy's moonsault, even though it missed.

AGAINST: Sharmell's putting blame in the wrong place.

FOR: Randy Orton, kinder, gentler Legend Killer. "The Undertaker's retirement fund."

FOR: Stacy Keibler! And I thought Candice leaving would eliminate Melina's competition for my affections.

FOR: You may be glad to know I don't hold Christy in a FIERY POOL OF HATRED like Rosser does.

AGAINST: That's some... unfortunately titled entrance music.

AGAINST: See, I told you this network guy was shady.

AGAINST: What demographic does he think they're trying to attract?

AGAINST: Who the hell is Ken Kennedy? And why's he getting up in Chimel's grill?

FOR: I have to admit, I actually liked the "MISTER Kennedy" bit.

FOR: Oh, so he's been on Velocity. OK.

FOR: Ducking the crossbody. You never see that.

FOR: Most times new guys don't take this much offense in their debuts.


AGAINST: Is that his gimmick? He announces his own matches?

AGAINST: I'm all for the match, but shouldn't they have done this before the PPV?

FOR: The heels showing their battle wounds.

FOR: The face/heel camera work during the entrances.

FOR: Is that a "Benoit" chant?

FOR: The fake-tag hand-clap.

FOR: That's the second time Eddie's tried to get a cheap pinfall.

AGAINST: OJ's getting crushed here at the end. Is he getting fired or something?

FOR: Benoit and Rey doing the "thumbs up, thumbs down" bit.


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