SmackDown! 8/11/2005: For and Against

FOR: Tazz: "There's a blemish next to me, that's you..."

FOR: Jillian playing the "distract the referee" card at the beginning of the match. You don't often see that.

FOR: Nick Patrick sending EVERYBODY backstage.

AGAINST: The ladies' overacting. I especially don't need to hear Melina scream again ever, unless I'm causing it. HIYO

FOR: Mercury trying the schoolboy for the cheap win again. It worked last week!

FOR: It failing.

FOR: Batista on the Peep Show.

FOR: It's always about Christian, isn't it?

FOR: I think Dave's got a new catchphrase.

FOR: Batista using reverse psychology.

AGAINST: The "again" was kinda mean, Dave.

FOR: At least this show regularly acknowledges that it has tag team champions. Gotta move those DVDs!

FOR: That actually lasted over three minutes.

AGAINST: That actually lasted over three minutes.

FOR: The EVIL~~ voice distortion.

FOR: Orton's returning to action against "a legendary opponent of the Undertaker?" This could -- repeat, could -- be good.

AGAINST: KAMALA? Good Lord. So much for that.

FOR: Tazz: "He looks the same. He's still ugly, and..."

FOR: Orton's look of confusion.

FOR: Orton's selling.

FOR: That "Eddie Sucks" chant isn't going to help his cause.

FOR: Rey's defiance as he continues to push Eddie's buttons. He knows what's up and is giving Eddie every opportunity to make himself look bad.

FOR: It's about time what's-her-name said something.

FOR: She's right... this doesn't actually have anything to do with Dominick. Or, at least, it didn't.

FOR: Regal's expressions during his and Scotty's entrance.

AGAINST: What is there to landscape in Red Hook?

AGAINST: Didn't Psicosis tag out before that cover? What, did he forget?

FOR: Regal dropping off the apron. Guess that means he's a heel again.

AGAINST: Wherever this MNM/Booker T thing is going, they need to hurry up and get it there. Do they bring Benoit and the tag champs back into it next week?

FOR: The pop for Benoit.

AGAINST: Cole uses the Simon System?

FOR: Batista taking Christian down the turnbuckle ladder.

FOR: "I guess he can use the other shoulder."

AGAINST: Cole and Tazz trying to push the No Holds Barred stipulation as favoring JBL. Doesn't a guy as strong and fearsome as Batista have some sort of advantage when he's not, you know, bound by rules?

FOR: The Bash match notwithstanding, they've done a very good job protecting Batista during this run.


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