Rawbservations 8:8

These people better cheer Kurt--we're supposed to look out for our own. Give me a SHUT UP, bitch huge heel pop! Damn you people, go back to your shanties. Like Christy can spel newhey. There you go. That's RIGHT! Preach, Brother Kurt, preach! Speak about it! "Eugene sucks!" I love my hometown. That Angle=Greatness sign; you realize, even now, you could put out a pretty epic 3-DVD Angle set? And why the hell haven't they, now that I mention it? "LET'S GO ANGLE!" Why does everybody ram Eugene's head into the turnbuckle? That's his can of spinach. Get that skank off the apron! In the immortal word of Robert Novak, "Bullshit." Time to turn him from special to handicapped. My kingdom for a superkick. Right thing to do: it's 2 on 1!

Poor Shelton. I seem to be saying that a lot lately. "You guys want a cigarette, or what?" He almost messed up a sidewalk slam! Mr. Wrestling II and DiBiase! JR's on tonight. Poooooor Shelton.

Holy GOD, Kurt rules.

Buff! Daddy! Buff! Daddy! Nice shirt, Adam. It should be a Last Man Standing match, but what're you gonna do. Oh, YOUR personal life's ruined. Mr. Copeland, allow me to quote one of my favorite Biblical passages, Leviticus 27:26--let he who is without sin stay the fuck off another dude's poonani. He's going to die and I'm going to be in Vegas. Pwamp.

I think Lillian's forgiven him. No sunglasses, he's serious. Gak. Boss Man Slam! "I've always said size doesn't matter." JR is--dare I say--en fuego.

Did they show a clip from Heat? Damn right, it's better than yours. I'd love to have Stacy teach me and I don't care what's the charge. Hurricane, what is up with the pants? What is UP with the pants?! I'm not feeling the pants. I'm not feeling the pants! Double Russian, always nice. WHOA. DOUBLE that. Heart Stopper! I miss Trish. Even more so.

I don't think pyro was supposed to explode at "this..." but it was a nice touch. 6 years of Jericho, 3 of Uncle Eric, and it still looks weird sometimes on both accounts. Is it "John Cena Is A Little Bitch", cause the last one of those didn't go so good. JTRON5K~! MONKEYS IN THE TRUCK~! YOUNG M.CENA! JR raises a good counterpoint to the Patten run-in, though I think Jericho's incapacitation was a temporary thing. Another sizeable Carlito chant. Wait--he didn't have Jericho distract the ref so he could spit the apple in his face? That...that...that's not cool! That took you long enough, John.

Ashley obviously the first graduate of the Mike Jones University of Self-Promotion. Who? Mike Jones. WHO?! MIKE JONES. WHO~!?!? Not Jim Neidhart--MIKE. JONES. Never mind.

Guess who's back up in this MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?! Snitsky. Is. A. Dead Man. I can't believe they gave away the return on TV. SUSPENDED Twist Of Fate! Violence! Reciprocal violence! KILL HIM, MATT! Kill him and his little dog-faced, too!

Yay! He knows the name of our town! Meet the new Shawn, same as the old Shawn. Don't boo the man for speaking the truth, people! Oh, man, Shawn not only went There, I think he just became Mayor. This is great. Don't let Hogan ta--YES! Aw, dammit, it's all fucked up now. Brother. I so want to see Bret pop up behind Shawn and punch him square in the jaw now at some point. HA! Way to flip the script on them, Shawn. Seriously, this should end in a five-minute-long Pier 6. Aw.


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