Rawbservations 8:29

Hey, Matt made the opening credits!

Can't knock the kickoff--this gets better? Now that--that's COOL! "Him & me?" "Okay, whoo, whatever." Way to clean the boards, JR. HBK calling someone an egomaniac is like someone calling Eva Longoria pug fugly. "Until he needs another payoff, he ain't coming back." This better get to Shelton. Shawn's oversell of his place on the ladder was a delight. It's the Human Remote Control Check! Cool Effect! WHOO! DOUBLE STRUT~! By the way, there's your Dream Team.

I like Big Show coming out early to pop the crowds. Looking back at that sentence makes my eye twitch, but just the once. That double suplex spot is never going to get old. Two floors, going down. That WAS his fault. And it'll give Show something to do.

F YOU CANDICE! F YOU WILSON! I dub thee PMS05! You know even Christy wouldn't be this stu--oh, who'm I kidding, she'd pick the Dolphins to win the AFC East. Yay! Get her, Victoria! WIDOW'S PEAK~! I so miss Trish.

There's only one thing that I hate, and it's a bunch of crap...

SLAP HER! Oh, if there was a just and loving God, Matt would be making Ike Turner flinch right now.

Nice arcade.

That is a bladejob.

KILL HIM, MATT! KILL! HIM! Nice Doug Williams throwback, there. Commercial already? Finks! The lot of you, finks! Nice lid counter to the spear attempt, a SummerSlam callback. Spear to the ladder! Mattitude legdrop! Yes! Take his fucking head off! Oh! One-Man Conchairto?! JR called it! Flapjack to the ladder! "The folks at Home Depot must be proud tonight." Nooo. Boy, Matt's over. Nice callback to the Slam again with the ref checking Mattt. Whew. DDT on the steps! Yeah, baby! KILL HER! ICE...aww. Take him out, Matt! Oh, holy SHIT! He tried to beat him with Lita's secret favorite move (the other being lying on her back). Ah, crap. King has a point. It's Jay-Z's point, but even so. Coach has a good point but I don't exactly see Matt out there throwing Fujiwara armBARs. Bidness pickin' up now. C'mon Mattie! THROW HER OFF THE STAGE! Aw, damn it! Nice double finisher tease. SIDE EFFECT TO HELL! HELL, YES! Matt's got him covered, count it!

This reminds me of the HBK concussion angle. And I see Edge with tears in his eyes and I laugh and laugh and laugh...rhetorical question: why the hell didn't they do that at Summerslam?

Cena doing a Geico commercial would amuse me. You already showed the footage, it opened the show! Preach, Brother Kurt! Make it plain! Is there any reason Angle shHhouldn't win?

I guess Buff Daddy's on Heat duty this week.

We're just killing time until Naitch comes back. That took long enough. Watching Chris Masters get a main event push makes me long for the glory days of babyface Randy Orton.


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