ECW on Sci-Fi (7.11.06)

-We open with clips from last week's show. If you read blog posts in order, that would be the recap below this one. So go read that first. If you just can't bring yourself to do so, I'll spoil it and say that Big Show is YOUR new ECW Champion. He sure as hell ain't mine, though. For historical purposes, let's note that he's the first guy to ever hold the WCW, WWE & ECW titles. And really, who deserves it more?

-Opening montage.

-Later tonight, Show defends the belt versus...Ric Flair? I need to start watching Raw live, because this show makes even less sense when you don't. At any rate, I see no reason why a main event from Nitro 10 years ago shouldn't main event an ECW show in 2006. No reason at all.

-Heyman comes out with two riot cops. He didn't screw Rob Van Dam. We did. It's our fault that Heyman has to suspend him for thirty days. We're pushing him too hard and making him burn himself out. Essentially, Heyman is now forced to save him from himself. He goes on to cut a subpar Raven promo, saying that he's martyred himself to become the Messiah of ECW. And now he's had to sacrifice his brotherhood with Van Dam for the good of ECW.

-He heads backstage, where the rest of the "real" ECW crew blow him off. Tommy Dreamer is waiting at the end of the hallway. Heyman feels that he owes Tommy an explanation. It's a shame that he doesn't have time to deliver it, what with Dreamer's match being NEXT and all.


Tommy Dreamer v. Test -

Brawl to start. Dreamer clotheslines Test over the top. Test comes back, though, ramming him into the post. He beats Dreamer down for a while, planting him with a backbreaker, then locking a bearhug. Dreamer fights back, breaking the hold with a rake to the eyes. Test whips him into the corner, but charges into a boot.

Dreamer drops him with a pair of swinging neckbreakers and sets up for the DDT. Test counters, hitting a Full Nelson slam. He heads up top, but the big elbow misses. Dreamer lifts him for the Death Valley Driver. Test slips away. He rolls Dreamer up and grabs the ropes to get the win.

Oy. Not sure what they're doing with Test. *Really* not sure what they're doing with Dreamer. At any rate, this was a turd.

-Backstage, Kelly chats with Candice Michelle, who's apparently guest whoring on the Expose tonight. Tremendous!


-The tarot card chick (who we're told is named Ariel) does her bit. The Vampire comes in and spits blood in the camera. Not before we see that he's apparently bitten Ariel, though. I think the key to this segment is that THE VAMPIRE IS FINALLY INDOORS! Business is picking up!

-Kelly's Expose. Knox comes in to pull her away. Sandman canes him off the stage. Never thought I'd say this, but Candice made this segment almost watchable. Almost.

-Tale of the tape for the Flair/Show match.


-CM Punk shows off his tats, saying that they're not decoration, they're a declaration. Every one of them tells the story of his life. He's an extremely disciplined athlete and wants to compete with the best. Some would say he picked the wrong brand for that particular mission. Good promo, though. Can't wait until he debuts in ring. Tazz seems pretty geeked to see him as well.

Sabu v. Justin Credible -

Justin avoids the leg dive and drops a pair of legs to the back of Sabu's head. Sabu whips him into the corner, taking him over with a backdrop of sorts on the rebound. He hits a springboard leg lariat and gets two. Just slides to the floor and roots under the ring, grabbing a table. Styles points out that this isn't Extreme Rules, so the table is a no no. Sabu hits a somersault plancha, then rolls Justin in.

He follows with a slingshot somersault legdrop and gets two. Sabu bails, setting up the table at ringside. Justin catches him with a baseball slide dropkick. He whips Sabu into the apron and charges. Sabu sidesteps, elevating Justin into the apron himself. He lays Justin on the table and drives him through it with an elbow off the second rope. Referee DQs him immediately.

What was the point of this, exactly? If it's to push the Extreme Rules stuff at SNME, then you don't book another Extreme Rules matches in the same show. Where's the logic in that?

-Balls Mahoney promo. He says that he's crazy and refers to himself as an "ECW Original." That doesn't mean much in ECW 2.0.

-Ric Flair promo. He offers Foley a match with any stipulations and tells him to grow some balls. Then he focuses on Big Show, telling him that he's gunning for title number seventeen tonight. He never wanted the ECW title, but if Show makes even one mistake, Flair will eat him alive. That's a hell of a meal, Ric.

-Shannon Moore is coming to ECW. Hide the wimmins and children.


Ric Flair v. Big Show - ECW Title -

There's not much to recap here. Show absolutely mauls Flair for most of the match, busting him open with a series of headbutts. Flair bleeds a gusher, of course. Nothing he does has any effect on Show. Finally, gives Show something like five consecutive low blows and manages to mount a comeback.

He tosses some plunder into the ring and carves Show up with a barbed wire bat. He spreads some tacks in the ring and whales on Show with a chair until he takes the bump into the tacks. All that does is piss Show off, though. He gives Flair the Cobra backbreaker and chokes him out. Postmatch, he ragdolls Flair into the tacks.

Show ends with Flair being helped to the back. This was okay for what it was, I guess. Don't get me wrong...the match was absolute garbage. But in terms of making Show look like a killer and pushing the Flair/Foley angle, it served it's purpose.


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