Video Vault 11 - The HATE Edition!

Wrestling is largely missing the element of HATE these days. Makes an okay match good, a good match great and a great match epic. When did wrestling get so damned complicated? Guy A hates Guy B. He proceeds to beat the everloving shit out of him. Much blood is spilled and the crowd goes home happy. Not so hard, is it? So, here's to HATE:

Magnum TA v. Tully Blanchard (I Quit Cage Match - Starrcade '85)

(Part One - 8:13)
(Part Two - 7:20)

This is absolutely my favorite match ever. EVER. If you haven't seen it, you really owe yourself to watch this match. It comes as close to perfection as any match I've ever seen. And they don't do it with random flippiness. It's all drama and realism. I *believe* that Magnum legitimately wants to MURDER Tully in a way that wrestling today can't even hope to match. God, what a beautiful match...

Roddy Piper v. Greg Valentine (Dog Collar Match - Starrcade '83)

(Part One - 9:56)
(Part Two - 8:53)

I didn't see this match until years later, but it was worth the wait. Another example of two guys just beating the shit out of one another and getting across the very simple concept of absolute contempt. Valentine essentially tries to tear Piper's ear off during this match. Maybe it's just the evolution of the business, but I don't think a lot people would even care about something like that these days. It's sad, really.

Sting v. Vader

Maybe my favorite feud ever. Sting had always been booked as the golden boy of WCW. Then along came Vader. He absolutely brutalized Sting, took his belt and basically dominated him in a way no one else ever had. Took Sting stooping to Vader's level before he was able to really compete with him. Fun stuff. (14:21)

Jerry Lawler v. Terry Funk (Empty Arena - 1981)

Jerry Lawler is an egg sucking dog. If you don't believe me, ask Terry Funk! Heh. This match is somewhat surreal, as Funk goes into total overdrive selling his eye. Really fun, though. (16:29)

Your angle of the week shows Kevin Sullivan being really, really scary. I was terrified of him as a kid and I didn't even get to watch Florida Wrestling. Not entirely sure that he still doesn't scare the crap out of me, actually. (9:16)

ECW should be coming a bit later, as I actually have no plans for today. It just needs to be typed up at this point. Which is, of course, the part of recapping that I hate the most. Bleh.


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