First Round matchups for PWG's Battle of Los Angeles '06 Announced

I don't typically post indy NEWZ all that much, but these shows look absolutely stacked and if I can in any way influence someone to check them out, then I've done my good deed for the day.

Night 1 (9.1.06)

Colt Cabana v. Disco Machine
El Generico v. Delirious
CIMA v. M-Dogg 20
"Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen v. Quicksilver
Mark Briscoe v. Matt Sydal
Chris Sabin v. Roderick Strong

Night 2 (9.2.06)

Davey Richards v. TJ "Puma" Perkins
Alex Koslov v. Jay Briscoe
Jack Evans v. Claudio Castagnoli
Genki Horiguchi v. Chris Hero
Super Dragon v. Necro Butcher
Scorpio Sky v. Frankie Kazarian

Tournament wraps up 9.3.06

Also scheduled to appear in some capacity: PWG Champion Joey Ryan, Arrogance (Scott Lost & Chris Bosh), B-Boy, Excalibur, Top Gun Talwar, Human Tornado, Dino Winwood and a cast of thousands.

Holy shit, will Dragon/Necro ever rock the casbah. There's a dream match for you. One of them might seriously leave in a bodybag. I'd wonder what the match would be like if they actually disliked one another, but really...Dragon hates everyone. Including you. Everyone was geeked about the Dragon Gate guys coming in, but I think they ended up being a relatively small reason to go apeshit over these shows. There's no end to the amazing stuff we could see that weekend.

This year's Ted Petty Invitational (which I'll do a post for as soon as the brackets are announced) officially has some competition. Big time competition. Hopefully the West Coast scene will finally explode from these shows. Lots of talented workers who get little to no hype at all.

The Official BOLA sub-site...


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