Friday Night SmackDown! 6/30/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: The U.S. Title's on the line in the cage match?

AGAINST: Mark Henry taking backhanded credit for Undertaker's absence. It's a reach.

FOR: Rey taking the bullet for Chavo.

AGAINST: Way to be three minutes late, refs.

FOR: My God! A Cruiserweight title match!

FOR: JBL: "I'm a freakin' media maven."

FOR: The missile dropkick/standing moonsault combo.

AGAINST: Why is Helms just standing there? Leave, get involved, do something. Don't just stand there.

AGAINST: I like the concept, but isn't "Pit Bulls" already taken?

AGAINST: Has the other guy tagged in yet?

FOR: Oh, OK.

FOR: JBL's rant on Marty's pants.

FOR: Diva wannabes.

AGAINST: Jesus, Kristal. That may have been the worst heel turn ever.

FOR: Lashley's suit.

AGAINST: Matt's spastic shoulder shrugs.

FOR: The Smack of the Night as the flashback to Finlay's debut against Matt.

AGAINST: JBL's plugs.

FOR: JBL: "He gave me a can of Guinness!"

FOR: The exposed turnbuckle callback.

FOR: Cole: "This is great. Now I gotta finish the show with you half in the bag."

AGAINST: Random Miz promo?


AGAINST: Seems like a hell of a time for Khali to come out.

AGAINST: A body bag?

AGAINST: A Punjabi Prison match?

FOR: Simon Dean's look of disgust.

FOR: "Breaking furniture?" Is that what they call it these days?

FOR: The camera's blurring out whatever Cole and JBL are talking about.

FOR: JBL's rant. "And a clown on a scooter! What the hell is going on?"

FOR: Cole: "Simon didn't really want to go for the cover."

AGAINST: Teabagging as a submission?

FOR: The Booker/Lashley retrospective.

FOR: Booker doing the HBK pointing spin.

AGAINST: If I'm Lashley, I'm thinking pinfall here with Regal and now Finlay out at ringside.

AGAINST: Did my affiliate just run a promo for this show focusing on this match in the commercial break DURING THIS MATCH?!

FOR: JBL putting over the cage.



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