Friday Night SmackDown! 10/28/2005: For and Against

AGAINST: Aw, I wanted to know what Christian was gonna say about RAW.

FOR: The Peep Show as Debate Central.

FOR: Christian's exasperation as the interruptions continue.

FOR: JBL managing to remain heel while ripping RAW.

FOR: "Clear the set!"

FOR: The return of Poetry In Motion.

FOR: The double-double stackplex.

AGAINST: The contrived double cover/double kickout spot.

FOR: Sharmell's concern.

FOR: Teddy showing Booker the evidence.

FOR: Booker telling Sharmell what's what.

AGAINST: I smell a turn coming.

FOR: Cowboy Bob still holding a grudge over doing all of Piper's dirty work.

FOR: Piper: "The next generation'll be walking on all fours."

AGAINST: What's with the bucket?

FOR: "We've commissioned so many focus groups..."

FOR: The "Juniors Division" graphic.

FOR: Tazz reveling in his opportunity to make short jokes. Cole: "That's right. You're all of 5-6."

AGAINST: Shouldn't that be a disqualification?

FOR: Well, that was emphatic and unexpected. Maybe I was wrong about this.

FOR: Okay, even though I saw it coming, that was well done.

FOR: Benoit going into the table again.

FOR: Chimel explaining the rules.

FOR: Must be cold in the Cow Palace.

FOR: Did they hire this ref during the commercial break?

FOR: The double leg roll by Crazy and Nicho.

FOR: There's a perfect opportunity for Regal to blind-tag.

FOR: And he does!

FOR: MNM wins! Yes, Cole, we're gonna need to see a replay on that.

AGAINST: Are they not calling them the Tolands?

FOR: Tazz: "Big party in Hollywood tonight, baby!" Cole: "Yeah, and I'm sure you won't be there."

AGAINST: That phone ringing in the background is really detracting from the scariness of this segment. [/sarcasm]

FOR: Eddie: "I'm married, man. I can't do that."

FOR: "WHy does Chimel even bother?" To set up the sight gag, damn it.

AGAINST: They didn't let him announce the Ortons' entrance?

FOR: The Los Guerreros music!

AGAINST: Piper, take a cue from Cowboy Bob: Keep your shirt on.

AGAINST: Bob's gonna regret that.

FOR: The looks on Batista's and Eddie's faces.

FOR: See?

AGAINST: A sleeper? That hasn't won a match in ten years.


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