Friday Night SmackDown! 10/7/2005: For and Against

FOR: The recap of the Raw angle to open the show.

AGAINST: Same old opening.

AGAINST: Piper vs. the Ortons?

FOR: SmackDown having its six-man tag tonight.

FOR: Long almost daring Bischoff to crash No Mercy.

FOR: Randy's new nWo-style T-shirt.

AGAINST: Canon taking Orton's side.

FOR: I think I've finally got a grasp on Canon's character... he's just a corporate suckup.

AGAINST: That it took two months of me wondering "Is he working against Long?" "Is he just stupid enough to not know better?"

AGAINST: Orlando's purple tights.

FOR: The "You Tapped Out" chant.

AGAINST: Booker looks like he lost.

FOR: Booker seeing the replay and wondering what happened.

FOR: Kennedy on PPV!

HUH?: Is the ring setup flipped around this week?

FOR: "How you clowns doing?"

FOR: Reader suggestions.

FOR: Kennedy referencing Holly's Sparky Plugg days.

AGAINST: Cole passing off Holly's rope-hanging low blow as a legal shot to the abdomen. We all know what's going on, Michael.

FOR: "Here is your LOOOOOOSER" > "...Better."

FOR: Piper's "weeping willow" line.

FOR: Eddie continuing to play the part at the press conference.

FOR: Look at Regal's face. You'd think he was walking into a toxic waste dump.

AGAINST: Butch's inevitable "toxic waste/Christy Hemme" retort.

FOR: Regal's ring robe~~~~~

AGAINST: The camera angle on Melina's ambush.

FOR: Cole's continuing skepticism about the "new" Eddie.

FOR: Cole's theory that Eddie's trying to cut Batista's edge.

FOR: Batista's reaction to the "soul mate" line.

FOR: Batista's lessons learned from Evolution.

AGAINST: This is awfully Stingesque, isn't it?


AGAINST: Piper's pasty legs.

AGAINST: Piper overselling the beatdown, then winning after two distractions.

FOR: That's another neat trick.

AGAINST: Strength advantage?

FOR: Lashley's Hindu squats with Craven on his shoulders.

FOR: Finally getting Jillian's last name. (Hall)

FOR: Cole selling Bischoff being "afraid" to hold this match on Raw.

FOR: The pop for Eddie vs. Benoit.

FOR: The pop for Batista vs. Eddie.

FOR: Eddie applauding after the press drop, then tagging out.

FOR: Batista's face when Eddie tagged him.

FOR: All the present and past storylines weaving together.

FOR: Rey's bump from the apron to the barricade.

FOR: There's something you don't see every day... a supposed heel screwing his heel teammates out of a win.

FOR: And there's something else... the other heels beating him down after the match.

AGAINST: I guess seeing Eddie actually stick the knife in Batista's back is gonna cost us.

FOR: Batista, MNM, Benoit, Lashley, Kennedy, Undertaker, JBL, Nunzio.


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