Rawbservations: A McMahon In Every Seg

Just assume I have it on mute. I'm rooting for Kane. Why? Because he's evil. Hey, remember when Kane broke Shawn's neck last year? Yeah, me either. I guess we know why JR got canned: calling Show/Kane would've given a thrombo. Shawn's Santana and nip up completely failing was nice. The ring didn't break! Better union, perhaps? If Big Show leaned into that any more I'd be looking for misletoe. Kane Guerrero! That was awkward.

Auto racing. I'm black. NEXT!

Nice subtlety. It's like saying Kathy Griffin, Kirstie Alley, or Angelina Jolie. And now, it's just Lawler. You know what's awesome right now? This Friends rerun I've seen 3,547 times. I think I'm as shocked as anyone right now. Steph didn't have her driver do that? We now pause for special guest commentary by Chris Griffin.


Thank you, Chris. There's nice symbioticry in this: Steph's disappointed in us, we're disappointed nothing better's on. Oh, guess I better demute the set. Jesus walks (and gets cheap pops). Hey, Carlito's a lefty. Das cool. Good thing Mick got those three kids out of the way already. I wonder which Evil Figurehead will now ref the main.

Nice to see no weirdness between the Notorious V.I.S. and Lillian. YAY! Go, Ric, Go! Unmute time. See, I'm voting for submissions--when's the last time Big Nose made somebody tap?

One midcarder, two midcarder, three midcarder, whore. Overpushed, overpushed, deserves better...well, screw it, whore rhymes with whore. Getting inexplicably sleepy....Matt Hardy. I'm awake. That's your brother, you wifefucking twat! I almost have to vote Rey/Christian, don't I? Like that's new for Chris. Wait...do I root for JBL now. *hears Lita diss* J. B. L. J. B. L. LUNES NOCHE MISTERIO~! Hey, Lita's on her back. Well, it's been a couple minutes.

It's Bizarro World Me! AND Trish! This'll be fun if they don't make it like she's still learning how to wrestle--word of mouth on Alexis is great. Also, assume I made a joke about me putting my mouth on Alexis and/or her putting her mouth on Trish. Victoria with the shoutout to Terri. Also, not to venture too far into Lawlerville but if you don't vote cheerleader I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL, MOTHERFUCKER.

Save me, Kurt Angle. Save me, Kurt Angle. Save me...one redeemable part of that self-indulgent heavily recycled crap? Vince is totally right about Fresno. Ooh, new Harry Potter! What's the magic number on Emma Watson? Shane?

I thought Hurricane turned heel. Of course, knowing the Macs are back he'll be out in a suit and tie and whine about how his nickname was disrespectful--say hey. Also, take the Colts and the points next week. You're welcome. WHO ELSE MISSED SUGAR SHANE? VERTEBREAKUH! Gon break ya spine! Murdoch gets the hot tag! TOTAL INEBRIATION! Yes, I was saving that one up, why do you ask?

Dueling chants--what is this, Orlando? I like Mick letting them go. Mmm...partying like it's 1998.

I guess I'm still going to Taboo Tuesday, and calling off work in the process. So, I need ideas for my fawn over Trish sign, and you the home reader can pick from the following 3 options:

  2. Mickie, Trish Never Wrote Me Back Either
  3. Mysterio 6:19
  4. Butch Fact: I bash Edge on the Internet
  5. Lita, It's Still Itching
  6. Masterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. 27 Years Ago, My Mom Rode Space Mountain. Hi, Dad!


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