SmackDown! 10/14/2005: For and Against

FOR: 5 for 8.

FOR: Kennedy and Lashley in the credits.

FOR: The start of Randy's promo.

FOR: Randy pointing out that he, unlike Eddie, will do what it takes to win.

AGAINST: What, the champ can't get his own mic?

AGAINST: Last match of his career? What was that again?

FOR: Long signing Eddie vs. Randy.

FOR: Orlando specifying "tap to the Crossface." Which means he's going to lose, but not to the Crossface.

FOR: Orlando using those Crossface counters.

FOR: Loopholes (Orlando tapping out to the Sharpshooter instead)

AGAINST: What's Sharmell bitching about now?

AGAINST: Are there even four teams on SmackDown! to even have an eight-man tag match?

FOR: It is? OK, Melina, I'll stare all I want then.

FOR: Cole: "I love the T-shirts."

AGAINST: What, they can't show the end of Christy's Doomsday Device on Melina?

AGAINST: This is a little too chaotic.

FOR: Dueling diva distractions.

AGAINST: Saying that five times fast.

FOR: Psicosis' post-slap enziguiri.

AGAINST: Who the hell are these guys?


AGAINST: They're playing off the Stacy/Jennifer Aniston thing? They really are getting desperate.

AGAINST: Jillian's music.

FOR: Jillian overplaying her enthusiasm just enough.

FOR: Stacy's fake-out.

FOR: I'm sure Christian appreciates the crew clearing the ring and just having the four-way next.

SIGN OF THE WEEK: "Bradshaw $uck$"


FOR: Cole: "Edge was upset that JBL didn't bury him." It does sound moronic when you put it like that.

FOR: Rey attacking JBL from Christian's shoulders.

FOR: Rey pushing Christian away so he can cover JBL.

FOR: Christian breaking up the fall, then covering JBL himself.

FOR: JBL's unique double-team.

AGAINST: Sharmell trips up Rey? Are they turning her or something?

FOR: Rey's not happy.

AGAINST: That's all they brought Kennedy out here for?

FOR: Cole: "I can sleep now."

AGAINST: Vito changing his mind and getting involved.

FOR: Teddy: "What am I supposed to do with him?" I love shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments.

AGAINST: This may be the worst new character introduction I've ever seen.

FOR: "That's cheating, ladies and gentlemen."

AGAINST: The pace of this match.

FOR: Orton's uppercut.

FOR: Cowboy Bob pulling the top rope back.

AGAINST: Brian Hebner not seeing it.

FOR: You can't miss THAT, can you, Brian?

FOR: Long making the tag match for next week.

FOR: And that's when Eddie will stick the knife in Batista's back.



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