Rawbservations: They're Back. But Better Than Ever?

They really should've gone back to the Manhattan Center for this. And changed the set. And the graphics.

FOLEY~! I give the first Dallas 45 seconds. 12. Good thing I took the under. "You're nuts. Totally nuts." coming from Hot Rod is like Robert Blake going "That guy's scary." Mick's honesty is always funny. You notice none of these legends go back to Smack...Down. HEY! Nothing Mick can SAY! Wow, there's--you know, I forgot the Cowboy Bob/Piper thing. I haven't read Sex, Lies, & Headlocks in a while, it's true. Bad sell, Roddy. There you go, Mick's gotten it before.

PYRO! Praise Stratus. Nice ESPNlike chyron in the corner there. Hopefully they'll mention both men's prior experience in this sort of match. Or the repeated pin attempts making you exert more energy. Holy CRAP, Kurt! Don't take that bump, a, and don't take it with your face, b. ANGLE SLAM ON THE FLOOR! TURNBUCKLE BOMB! Shades of Vengeance. And the POP-UP ANGLE SLAM! is from WrestleMania, except this time it actually wins. King-sized HBK bump. You know, that Angle Slam-sunset flip-anklelock spot's been in all 3 matches and it's still not old. Notice Kurt dominates and Shawn gets a miracle fall. Thank you, JR. You tap now! Or now! Angle checking the time with the anklelock is ni--heel hook! Back to WrestleMania again. I had Kurt 3-2 so I'm right on pace. Shawn's really tagging Kurt in there. Flying Santana! I really wish he wouldn't've done the nip-up instead of doing it and selling. OH! He got alllll of that. I wouldn't mind an overtime, you got 3 hours to play with. Same thing with the DDT countering the Angle Slam spot. HOLY CRAP! Anklelock out of the moonsault! That...that's cool! Pull him back in for the heel hook! You tap now! Put it back on! 5 more minutes clap clap clapclapclap. Bah.

They already put it out, Eric: it's called the Monday Night Wars. Lillian's face is priceless. This is begging for Austin. To wit. Please be dancing with Foley. Some poor busboy just got waylaid (yes, Matt, your check's in the mail). Yup. Just like old times. Shane?! WTF!? He could've given Shane a beer first--that Shane spit-sell job is still my favorite non-Rock-just-got-ran-over-by-an-18-wheeler sell of the Stunner. YES! It's like playing Lemmings. Steph does look pretty hot. Not Linda! Come on, the one sane robot in the family, not her. Wow. That Stunner knocked out Vince for 15 minutes!

Butch Fact: GO MATT GO! Side Effect! OW. Heh, ladderscissors. DTH! Suplay--OW. "Maybe they can text message each other." OH! Gourdbuster! Even knowing something like that was coming, it was still cool. Mattitude Plancha! Exit light, enter Edge. This is almost a TLC match. OW! TWIST OF FATE OF DEATH! GO MATT GO! What the--HOLY SHIT! I was really hoping for Christian to interfere to kick off an S!D program. Ah, well.

"Shh." "I know." I wish they'd use the TV's on the side of the Tron. I put...12 minutes until the heel turn. THAT should be Carlito's finisher: whatever his opponent's is. HHHarley Race twice, Double A twice. Cue Peter Gabriel. Hey, 12 minutes! A winnah is me!


Dear WWE,
Please release DVD sets of the following legends, in order from just necessary to GIMME:
3) Ted DiBiase
2) Arn Anderson
1) Ricky Steamboat.

Thank you,
Butch Rosser

Wrong team won that one.

Why didn't Rey get drafted? SmackDown got screwed. Whatnogetouttaheregoonidon'tbelieveititolyouthatbitchcrazy.

He was just here 6 weeks ago! What, no Stunner?

This match has one question: they can't be that stupid, can they? Nope. Look at all those guys fighting. Mr. Kennedy!



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