iMPACT! and stuff

Sorry for the lack of recappery for the last two shows. A combination of me being sick for most of the past week and pretty much ambivalent to the product (yep...already) has caused me to slack. Well, being a lazy git played a role as well. Both shows are still on tape, though, so I still might end up doing them.
Watched a bunch of stuff while laying in bed feeling like shit, though. Various CHIKARA, IWA-MS and ROH shows. I've even gotten back into the puro, oddly enough. Maybe I'll get around to recapping the 7.26.05 All Japan show, because it's just crazy fun. Who knew that Jamal, Palumbo, Stamboli et al would be so great? Well...I did, but I'm silly like that.
RO&D vs. Voodoo Murders might well be the feud of the year. I need to pick up every bit of All Japan I can find from this year. Puroresu is absolutely last thing I'd have thought would get me excited about wrestling again, but there you go. Thank god for the advent of really cheap shows on DVD. Got my stuff from Puroresu DVD Source for whatever that's worth. They've already gotten the New Japan show with Lesnar in, so that seems like enough impetus to make another order.
At any rate, I'll try to do...something this week. Being purposefully vague? AWESOME!
Also, since I just read about it, congrats to RHINO (!!) for winning the NWA World Title at Bound For Glory. VIOLENCE FUCKING VIOLENCE!