SmackDown! 10/21/2005: For and Against

FOR: Interesting choice... the U.S. Title match as the pre-show video package.

FOR: Matt Hardy!

FOR: Sharmell's sudden change in demeanor.

FOR: Jesus CHRIST! Benoit overshot Booker and went back-first into the announce table!

FOR: That chant.

FOR: Booker going right for Benoit's back.

FOR: I thought Sharmell was going to shove Benoit off the top turnbuckle there.

FOR: Look at that I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL MOTHERFUCKER look on Benoit's face.

AGAINST: Let's not make it so obvious, people.

FOR: They've done a good job keeping Booker oblivious to Sharmell's shenanigans.

AGAINST: Building the Raw/Smackdown feud between two heels?

AGAINST: "Yum yum, come get him some?"

FOR: The pop for Matt.

FOR: Simon Dean going for the redictable cheap shot.

FOR: Simon holding on to the bag through the suplex.

FOR: Was that almost a surfboard?

SIGN OF THE WEEK: "RENO SUX" Way to rep your city.

FOR: JBL whiffing on the early big boots.

FOR: Jillian's clipboard breaking. Tazz: "I think that thing fell off her face."

FOR: "Explain to me how you get out of this." "Cheat."

AGAINST: Edge spears Rey, but runs from JBL, the guy he ripped?

AGAINST: Chris Masters?

AGAINST: Hey, how about sending out some bigger guns to stop this guy?

FOR: Oh. Hi, Bob.

FOR: A locker room united.

FOR: Vito getting out of the way of Nunzio getting bealed is still funny.

FOR: I'd like to call that the "LashBack."

FOR: "He smells like chitlins"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

FOR: "Sly." "Bobby."

FOR: Holly bringing the ref AND the ring bell backstage.

FOR: That's a new way to go to commercial.

FOR: I have to admit I've kind of missed these.

FOR: That was abrupt.

FOR: Even money on Kennedy as the partner. Just a hunch. OR it'll be a handicap match and Eddie turns here.

AGAINST: Tazz telegraphing it means it can't possibly happen.


FOR: Nick Patrick telling Kennedy there isn't time for his intro, then Eddie rightfully jumping him to start the match.

FOR: Orton putting the hold in drop toe hold.

FOR: Eddie jumping in to protect Batista from the chair shot.

FOR: Kennedy swinging anyway.

FOR: Teddy's slight bait-and-switch with the "Hall of Famer" remark and the Piper announcement. You can't advertise when Taker's coming back.


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