Friday Night SmackDown! 8/4/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: Is that a pop for Finlay?

FOR: JBL: "That leprechaun may have parents! You don't know!"

AGAINST: Why would Cole want JBL to be his friend?

FOR: JBL dropping a Gatti/Ward comparison.

FOR: Regal slapping Finlay down.

FOR: Regal's elbow catching Finlay off the ropes.

FOR: Lashley!

FOR: Finlay sending Regal after Lashley and then hitting Regal in the back.

AGAINST: Terkay's hair.

FOR: JBL running down Terkay's and Burke's credentials.

AGAINST: "The Elijah Experience?"

FOR: Cool move, though. At least the non-Stroke part.

FOR: Let me try and guess which three Butch wants to win. Erica, Milena and... Layla? Yeah, that sounds right.

FOR: Thank God for that pie. That was quickly becoming painful.

AGAINST: JBL saying "boo-tay."

FOR: Ashley's bitch slap.

AGAINST: Did they purposely make these Diva searcher speeches as lame as possible?

FOR: LEYLA! She pretty much needs to win now, am I right?

FOR: Sylvan wearing the sash to the ring~

AGAINST: JBL questioning Tatanka's weight.

FOR: JBL:" It's not that big of a deal, though, Michael Cole. He beat a Frenchman."

FOR: Kennedy sticking and moving.

FOR: Kennedy repeatedly signaling "2-0" to Batista.

FOR: Kennedy's dropkick to the knee and Batista selling it.

FOR: Batista's knee giving out on the suplex reversal spot.

AGAINST: The announcers missing it.

FOR: Batista wins!

AGAINST: How long ago did they shoot this SummerSlam spot?

AGAINST: Erica's speech may have been the worst of the bunch.

FOR: The crowd reactions to Vito's entrance. The one guy is tremendous.

FOR: Brawler!!!

FOR: Cole: "...the same ripped up jeans he wore in 1988..."

AGAINST: JT spacing out. Jesus. She's gotta go. What, did she forget her undoubtedly stupid lines?

FOR: Stevens was originally going to be Roadkill.

AGAINST: Why not just call him Aaron Stevens (which is who this is?) "Idol" is so lame.

FOR (cause you may have missed it): JBL: "I'm surprised you'd look at a woman."

AGAINST: JBL's shameless plug.

FOR: The enziguiri escape spot actually missing for once.

FOR: That's an interesting way to add leverage.

AGAINST: If I had to guess by the boos, I'd say James actually missed that missile dropkick.

AGAINST: OK, this "MVP"? Dead ringer for Freddie Mitchell. This can't be good.

FOR: Sooooo... Chavo thinks Rey's been trading on the Guerrero name? That's it, right?

FOR: The "you couldn't stand on your own" line.

AGAINST: Vickie?

FOR: JBL's enthusiasm.

FOR: Sharmell's reactions.

AGAINST: The Khali "run"-in.

AGAINST: Last Man Standing? That means it has to go longer than five minutes, doesn't it?


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