TNA iMPACT! (8.10.06)

-Clippage from last week.

-Eric Young has a tent set up outside of Cornette's office. He's seeks advice from Borash on which tie he should wear for his meeting.

-Opening montage.

-Rhino comes out for a promo. He talks about his falls count anywhere match at Hard Justice, going all around the building to point out spots that he might use to kill Joe and Monty Brown. Speaking of Monty, he attacks Rhino and heads to the ring. He's about to hit his "Pounce" catchphrase when Joe's music cuts him off. Brawl, brawl, brawl. Rhino comes back in. Brawl, brawl, brawl part two. Officials come out to break things up. Yeah, I really want to see this match.

-Later tonight, Christian Cage versus Scott Steiner!

-Sting/Jarrett video package.

Kevin Nash, Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine v. Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal -

Before the match, we see Brother Runt holding up a sign that says, "Come Get Me Abyss." That's a questionable lack of a comma right there.

Dutt opens the match with a 'rana on Shelley. He takes him down with a drop toehold and hits a somersault senton, followed by a standing moonsault. Nash could do all of these things. Cover gets two. Sabin tags in, as does Nash. Unfortunately, Nash has some sort of eye irritation and is forced to tag Devine. Announcers aren't buying it. Screw them, then. The guy is obviously hurting. Sabin takes Devine down and dropkicks him as we go to break.


Sabin and Lethal plant Devine with a double Russian legsweep. Lethal covers and gets two. Guess he's legal now. Cut to Runt, who's now in the rafters. We get some janky editing and Nash tags in. He gives Lethal a sideslam and gets a nearfall. Nash nails Sabin and Dutt on the apron and tosses Lethal towards the heel corner. Shelley tags in. Nash holds Lethal in a backbreaker and Shelley dropkicks him.

He whips Lethal into the corner and charges in with double knees. He goes for the Hama-Chan Cutter, but Lethal shoves him out of the corner and connects with a leg lariat off the second rope. Dutt and Devine tag in. Dutt quickly takes control. Nash tries to come in, but gets caught with a dropkick to the knee. Shining Wizard to Nash!

Devine jumps Dutt from behind. He whips him into the ropes, but doesn't notice Sabin making a blind tag. Dutt avoids Devine and hits a dive onto Shelley on the floor. Devine goes for a double underhook piledriver on Sabin, but he counters out and nails him with a big boot. He follows with the Cradle Shock and this one is over.

Looked like a decent-ish match, but it looked really clipped up. To the point that some of it didn't make sense, actually. Anyway, Kevin Nash is awesome. Who knew I'd ever type that sentence in 2006 and mean it without a bit of irony?

-From the tunnel, Jerry Lynn looks on. Hopefully he turns on Sabin and starts wrestling again. I think everyone can support that. Not that Lynn makes a particularly interesting heel, but's something. At least he'd be wrestling again.

-Sting/Jarrett video package.


-Backstage, Eric Young is still waiting for Cornette. Zbyszko walks up and tells us that Jay Lethal has been added to the X-Division Title match at Hard Justice. Cornette comes out of his office. He asks EY his name. Young stammers a bit. Cornette: "They get harder as time goes on." Not quite time for his meeting, though. Cornette stares at Zbyszko's rug and walks back into his office. Slick Johnson comes in and makes fun of the toupee as well.

Homicide (w/Konnan) v. Christopher Daniels -

Quick back and forth action at the start. Daniels takes control with an armdrag and quickly follows up with a leg lariat. He puts his foot on the back of 'Cide's head and stomps his face into the mat. That's just mean. Homicide bails. He tosses a chair into the ring. Daniels and the ref fight over it, allowing Homicide to attack. Flying back elbow gets two. He tosses Daniels out so Konnan can get some shots in.

Homicide hits three rolling suplexes and does an Eddy taunt. He heads up top, but Daniels cuts him off with a palm strike. He slams 'Cide. Cut to Runt in the crowd. Daniels rams Homicide from corner to corner and plants him with a running STO. Cover gets two. He goes for a back suplex, but Homicide rolls free and scores with a Koji Cutter, picking up a nearfall.

He sits Daniels up top, looking for the Hama-Chan Cutter. Daniels shoves him to the mat. He goes for Angels Wings, but 'Cide counters free and lines up for a clothesline. Daniels ducks it and takes him down with a Flatliner. Koji Clutch by Daniels! Konnan is on the apron to distract the ref.

Homicide taps out, but there's no one there to see it. Hernandez runs in and tosses Daniels with an overhead choke belly to belly (called the Crackerjack). 'Cide covers and gets the win! Postmatch, LAX continue the beatdown. AJ Styles makes the save with a chair.

Really good match. Sometimes I'm iffy on Homicide, but his work in TNA over the past few weeks has been great. I was kind of dreading Hernandez as the generic power guy as well, but he's pulled it off with far more talent than I had given him credit for.

-Sting/Jarrett video package.


Abyss (w/James Mitchell) v. Sharkboy -

Runt distracts Abyss, allowing Sharkboy to attack. He has no effect at all. Abyss sends him into the ropes...Black Hole Slam! Abyss wins!

Mitchell sends him after Runt, who's now atop the entranceway. He dives off with a HUGE crossbody. Awesome spot, which they immediately replay a bunch of times. They brawl to the ring and Spike manages to hit the Acid Drop. Mitchell pulls Abyss away.

-Sting/Jarrett video package.


-Sting/Jarrett video package.

-Time for EY's meeting. He has several presents for Cornette. Wendy's takeout, some whiskey (that Corny points out comes from Tennessee and not Kentucky, where he's from), some Bourbon, which EY *did* get in Kentucky and a handcrafted tennis racket, which Young assures us was made with real diamonds. Cornette isn't impressed with any of this. Dude...that's cold hearted.

He books Young in a match versus Johnny Devine at Hard Justice and tells him that he'd better come out the winner if he wants to keep his job.

Scott Steiner v. Christian Cage -

Cornette joins the commentary team. Tremendous!

Lockup, Steiner shoves Christian down. He comes back with a side headlock and lays in a chop. Steiner pokes him in the eyes and scoops him up for a slam. Christian slips away and shoves him into the corner. Rollup gets two. He whips Steiner into the corner and goes for a monkey flip, but Steiner shrugs him off. He press Christian, who slips away and goes for the Unprettier.

Steiner counters, shoving Christian into the corner. He walks into a back elbow, though. Christian charges, but Steiner tosses him over the top with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Steiner follows him out as we go to break.


Steiner drops an elbow and does some pushups. Belly to belly is good for a two count. They trade strikes. Christian ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Cover gets two. He spikes Steiner with his inverted reverse DDT and gets another nearfall. Steiner rakes his eyes. He charges, but gets taken down by a drop toehold into the ropes. Christian chokes him in the ropes.

He charges, but Steiner throws him with an overhead belly to belly. He whips Christian into the corner, but charges into a boot. Christian covers, using the ropes for leverage. Corny marks out. Christian heads up top. Steiner cuts him off and plants him with a super Samoan Drop. Now everyone is marking out.

Steiner locks Christian in the Steiner Recliner. Christian struggles to reach the ropes, but eventually decides that biting free would be easier. He goes for the Unprettier, but Jarrett hits the ring and causes the DQ. Meh. Christian goes for the Unprettier on Jarrett, but takes a low blow from Steiner. Scorpion Deathlock by Jarrett. Lights go out. When they come back on, it's Sting who has Jarrett in the Scorpion. He clears the ring...

Fun match with an all too predictable ending. Steiner is the man. I said it before, but I can't believe how good he's been since his return. I shat all over his arrival to TNA, but I was absolutely 100% wrong and will happily admit to it.

-Run down of the PPV. Which has been over for 48 hours now. But...yeah. I'm all caught up on the TNA now. How long can I stay caught up, though?

Check back later for ECW. Should be up in a few hours, but it won't slip past tomorrow afternoon at the latest.


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