Raw In 90 Seconds

The End: Peekaboo!
Last Week: Hi, I'm Last Week. 'Member me?
Recapper: WTF, mate?
Voice: We now return you to Monday Night RAW, already in progress.
DX: liberally cribbing from the Mel Brooks School of Comedy primer
Y2J: I'm so glad I got out of there before they made me put that kid over.
Benoit: You said it. Molsons clink
DX: 4 numbers for ya.
Crowd: 1997!
People In The Truck: This is so much more fun drunk!

Miz: annoying
Random Slut: words

Carlito: I gotta be winning; look at this new shirt!
M & N: strike a pose
M: splits
Carlito: Y'all are really going to wait through this? Thumb! Slide, slide, slippity slide!
Shelton: Tope con hilo!
Carlito, Nitro: ow.
Nitro: Standing Shooting Star!
Shelton: Nah.
Carlito: Yoink!
Nitro: No.
Carlito: Rana!
JR: brings the history
Shelton: DDT!
Melina: helps Carlito
Shelton: WTF, bird?
Nitro: Push! YOINK! HA!

Random Slut: words

reads liberally from DX's book
The Point:
Recapper: It's no Flavor of Love, I'll say that much.
Orton: RKO, slaps Lawler again
has Stupid Flakes
Robert Plant:
The song remains the same.

Random Slut: words

worsens the heat wave
shockingly topical and funny
actually wrestling
Oh, it's TV. For a while I'd forgotten what it was like.
Trish: I'm not fired yet!
Victoria: Ow!
Mickie: Ow! I can't believe I had a crush on you. Ran--
Trish: BOMB!
Mickie: No!
Trish: delivers Stratusfaction...ish...

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's Foley!
Johnny Carson: I was not aware of that.
Melina: ...blushing?!
There's hope for us lot yet, then.
Foley: makes sure Flair gets booed by invoking the name of the Prezodent
Everybody: WHOO!
Prezodent: WHO! Aw, I messed up. :(
Flair: I see your awesome, then I raise with awesome, and if that's not enough, I'm all in with the awesome. So yeah.
Foley: I call, crazy man. Not like you suffer from road ra
Flair: PUNCH!
Tom Jones: It's not unuuuuuuuusual...
Coach: Donkey Kong, break of dawn, wrath of Khan, bang a gang, it's on.
Foley: The hell it is.

Random Slut: words

SD Jones: Don't worry about it, kid. There's a deep history here.
Barry Horowitz: He's right, you know.
Edge: Hey, loser.
Cena: Squash, FU, STFU.
Striker: hilariously fails to live up to his surname
Remind me to get counted out.

Spirit Squad: Ready?
Highlanders: OK!
Ref: You guys--git.
Squad: :(
Remaining Guy: loses

Random Slut: words

Random Slut: booted
Hey, the only 3 I want to win are still in. C'mon, hot teacher!

Feds: Triple H, you gotta go.
Triple H: I've never seen those cigars before in my life! I don't smoke! Do you know who I am?
Fed: Save it, Mel.
Triple H: I'll get you two for this.
McMahons: Riiiiiiight.

NOT Zach de la Rocha. Then again, considering it's 2006, maybe it is. Who can say anymore?: Are you ready?
Crowd: YES!
Uh...HIM: So glad we understand each other. Commence of the breaking down!
Umaga: ranting in native Samoan
Just remember what you learned--dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge, dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge...
McMahons: Hey, Shawn.
Umaga: pummels
Shawn: How do you say points to contract?
Umaga: sjhvgeu7fgy43746t436tr PRESS SAMOAN DROP!
Shawn: Yeah, still hurts.
Umaga: as he has done before, clears the table
Shawn: UPPERCUT! Savage elbow!
Star Jones: clears her throat
Shawn: Bye, Vince. Bye, Shane.
Umaga: Bye, Shawn.
Ref: 3!
Devo: Crack that whip!
Vince: chokes Shawn
Vince: Triple H--you're next.
The End: Am I on time now?
Maria: ...wow, you're dumb.


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