Raw In 90 Seconds

Vince & Shane: Thank you, thank you very much.
Dark Angel rerun: Hi th
Remote: Holy...did time reverse?!
The Rock: Who in the BLUE HELL are these rudi poos messing up the Rock's song?

Brain: Oh, my God. Trish is on one network and Jessica Alba is on the other! Good god almighty. It is time we face up to the unfaceuptoable.
Subconscience: NO. You're not suggesting...
Brain: Yes. PLAN B.
Remote: Oh, I'm gonna be sick...
Alter Bridge: On this day, I see clearly...
Butch: Stupid Edge and his stupid teeth and his stupid
Edge: I'M the champ, fuckdammit! This is MY fucking show! I'm so awesome I can take a random ass thing like Trish being here and tie it into my us-against-the-world rant! I get more things done with a mic in my hand than Chuck D! Tell 'em, baby!
Lita: I feel so good about being with the champ I've completely forgotten our past history together, Trish! And that top makes you look fat.
Trish: Oh, no you din't!
Edge: Hey, Trish!
Trish: Hmm?
Lita: spear
Carlito: Dat's not cool!
Edge: flees
Carlito: Good. Trish, you want to get together after RAW?
Edge: After RAW it's time for PSYCH! spear

Melina: splits on the table
Nitro: Baby, don't ever change.
Small Blond Girl Watching TV: Heeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaack...
Kane: Ah. And now to light the returning fires.
Shelton: Surprise! Yoink!
Kane: You...I don't like you. Bam, splat, thud.
Shelton: OW.
Kane: Over!
Shelton: No! DDT!
Kane: ...I feel sleepy.
Shelton: Perfect.
Kane: Wait, no, I don't. CHOKESLAM. KABOOM. That belt looks oddly familiar...
Nitro: eep.

Guys: BOO.
Girls, Kids: RAAAAA!
Cena: blah blah VD joke blah blah cheap pop yada yada VOME GET SOME
Tom Jones: It's not unusual, it happens every Monday...
Coach: Edge/Lita vs. Carlito/Trish. As for you?
Viscera: Hey hey hey!
Cena: pulls out dauber ...all righty...horrifying power moves...JR wondering how I can stand...dodging splash...superman comeback...FU...BINGO!
Old Woman: I don't know how that young punk wins at this every other week.

Trish: I hate Lita so...much...I just...I...flames on the side of my face...and...I...I just...hate her...I...kiss, walks off
Carlito: brushing dirt off his shoulder It's actually kinda easy out here for a pimp. Don't know what those other guys were whining about.

Shane: Which way did Shawn go? Which way did Shawn go?
Shawn: You rang? fight fight fight fight fight
Inner Circle: Bad boys! Whatcha gon whatcha gon whatcha gonna do when the Memphis PD come after you?

Edge: I better enjoy this now, because in 2 weeks they're gonna take it away from me again.
Carlito: Elbow! Punch! Downward Spiral!
Edge: I kick out of you! Who betta than the WWE Champion!
Carlito: II!
Edge: Bye.
Styles: CATFIIIIIII--hup, I'm a day early. Sorry about that, everybody.
Edge: I got your back, sweetie.
Lita: Flying clothesline! Sleeper! Hair pull!
Edge: Oh, that better not catch on.
Trish: Satellite!
Katie: bars the door
Carlito: Lungblower!
Edge: Why, hello, ropes!
Carlito: Springboard back elbow!
Edge: Ropes, you have betrayed me for the LAST time!
AD Rock, MCA, Mike D: Hey, hey, hey, hey ladies!
Dan Patrick: Patricia Stratus is...dare I say...en fuego.
Edge: Oh, no, she's not winning on my watch.
Carlito: And your slut's not winning on mine, Dr. Teeth.
Edge: Ramming speeeeeeeeeed!
Carlito: oh shit sidesteps
Carlito, Butch: You son of a bitch!
Lita: And that is why good will always beat evil, because good is dumb. 3!
Edge: As I was saying...this is my show.
Trish: Going to the married, and I'm going to get chapeled...

Flair: WHOO!
Everybody: WHOO!
Flair: Now how am I going to get the WWE's seven-time and defending champion of Who's More Grizzled to give me what I want? You're a son of a bitch. No, wait. Melina's a daughter of a bitch! No, that's not going to do it? FIE ON YOUR BOOK! YOUR BOOK DOES FOR LITERACY WHAT TARA REID DOES FOR SOBRIETY!
Foley: All right, Father Time, you just went too far.
Flair: I ain't too proud to beg, Mick, and you know it! Don't leave me with an open date for SummerSlam!
Foley: I got two words for ya...
Crowd: 1997!
Foley: ....uh, it's ME, a, and b? The words are I QUIT.

Trailer Trash: JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
Lawler: What did the five fingers say to the face?
Lawler: Fistdrop!
Orton: points at calendar
Lawler: :(
Orton: I almost hit the ref!
Lawler: Get your balance, kid.
Orton: If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve...clearly you just got here. PUNT
Lawler: (highpitched) OW.
Orton: And here's a little ghost for the offering RKO

Miz: annoying
Hot Teacher: Bye!
Butch: Dammit, there went the McCool best tag team ever.
Random Sluts: words

Triple H: Wh--where the hell's my pyro? Yikes, that guy's large. Quick decision!
Umaga: hits the floor
Lita: Then what the hell am I doing?
Dr. Peabody: Quiet, you!
Triple H: Well, surely since I practically own the company, the worst is over.
Umaga: headbutt Headbutt HEADBUTT
Triple H: Someone explain to the wild Samoan I practically own the company.
Old-Time Announcer: Oh, no! And it looks like Umaga is setting him up for the dreaded, the awful, the insiiiiiiiidous....FLYING BUTT PLIERS!
Umaga: connects
McMahons: Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy
Triple H: Facebuster to the knee! Clothesline! Crotch chop crotch chop crotch chop! Bye, Shane! Bye, Vince! SPINEBUSTAAAAAAAAAA! Victory is mine!
Vince: Yoink!
Umaga: loud horn sounding twice
Triple H: I don't remember there being an indoor eclipse tonight...run over
Ref: 3!

Mickie: Hello? Hellooooooooo?! Is anyone still here? I'm totally ready to go...


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