A bit of housecleaning, if you will

Since the TNA deal with Spike TV has been announced, let me just officially say that if it ends up in the Velocity timeslot (or any other timeslot that works for him, I guess), Johnny will likely end up doing it. If he can't do it, I will. Speaking of news shows that need to be recapped...does anyone have any interest in covering the new MMA shows that will start airing this fall (UFC on Spike and/or Pride on FSN)? Let me know if you're interested. I'm not too proud to admit that I'm far too clueless about the sport to even think about giving it a shot.

With the WWE b-shows getting canned once they jump to USA this fall, I'm not really sure what the hell I'll be doing around here. Perhaps I'll *finally* get around to recapping all of the tapes I've accumulated. That was the entire point of the original site, after all. If nothing else, I can say that I've started working on the CHIKARA World Tag Grand Prix shows from February. I'm hoping to get Night One done this weekend, so keep an eye out for that. It'll be insanely long and mostly pointless, like all of my best work. Huzzah!


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