Rawbservations 7:25

You know, until Kurt came along I was the second-best thing to come out of the Burgh. (Heinz ketchup.) We go from the sublime to the ridiculous like that. WHOA! And she's actually his friend from the first kiss last year. Well, time to wash down this crow with some Pepsi. Hero! Jackass! I bet Ska's laughing his ass off right now. Though you'd think of all the times to announce Kurt as being from Pittsburgh...holy CRAP. Kurt's WTF face RULES IT. Over/under on a Special Olympics joke: 9:14 next Monday.

Damn, Mo's shrunk. Turning around and getting Kane would've been a better payoff. Lillian's heart is starting to mend. Why? Because Trish is nursing her back to health.

Thus begins a 48 minute time period of which I don't recall being unconscious.

Midgets = ratings. Gotta respect heels cheating against a midget. That was the funniest comedy spot in the post Edge & Christian era. If only they'd done a recharge the batteries joke.

WHERE TO, LITA?! Hey, they're at ringside tonight. Godspeed, Alfred.

Heh. Apple biter. Shelton, get a back brace. Statler & Waldorf. It's all about Statler & Waldorf.

But if they're all sheep, isn't Chris the pastor? I heard that somewhere once.

Lookit, Shawn, heel or face. Choose. "Then you've seen it." To quote a wise man, Who Better Than HBK? Austin, maybe, Bret, maybe...Flair, probably. OMG, somebody actually said it out loud on the air. I got two words for ya: EVIL SHAWN~!

Shelton lost his pyro, too. Damn shame. Has anybody seen Barry Darsow lately? He might have something to do with this. Time for Big Show to make it a tag match. TOPE CON F'N HILO~~~! And I die a little bit inside.

Speaking of which...if one of them had taken the whole minute to swallow one, she could've won. You Know.

I thought someone was going to get Edge from behind, but not him. Line of demarcation! Way to go, JR! Say no to crack. Air Kane! GORE! GORE!...oh, right. Exit light, enter Matt...no. See, Edge is going to the wrong corner entirely. JR is Jon Miller. ½ a floor, going down. ICE THE BITCH! YES! Aw...YES! JUSTICE! SWEET, MISOGYNISTIC JUSTICE! Two murders in 24 hours: you get the feeling the Kane/UT family reunions ain't like you and mine's? KILL HIM! KILL HIM! PICK UP HER STUPID WHORE BODY AND BEAT HIM TO DEATH WITH IT! (My psychiatrist is informing me the word I'm looking for is yay.) Yay.

Cool Effect! Heh. Frosty the Bischoff. The answer: to wear him down with the one-man concert and then having a match. That's why he waited. You're welcome.


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