Sunday Night Heat - 7/24/05

PPV Heat? You know the drill. I only recap first run material, because I've already seen all of this and none of it is interesting enough to sit through again. Also, I'm lazy. Mostly that second reason.

-Orlando Jordan promo. He has new tights. Unfortunately, they probably won't help his lame duck title reign. I like OJ, but his US Title reign has pretty much killed the belt for good. Fortunately for him, the belt has pretty much been dead since they brought it back anyway, so it's not all his fault. Anyway, the promo. Words, words, words...hey! It's Chris Benoit! He gets right up in Jordan's grill. OJ: "You got something to say?" Benoit proceeds to punch him right in the mouth, then smiles! Awesome.

-Moments ago, Batista arrived and immediately starting laying down some mack moves on Candace.

-Tomorrow on Raw: Battle of the Bands (this plus Diva Search means that I'll be watching Raw in under an hour for sure! Love that extraneous crap!). Also, a stretcher match between Kane and Edge. Enough already.

-The Mexicools ride their Juan Deere through the arena and to the announcer's area. JUICY! Juvy grabs the mic and runs down Josh Matthews, telling him he's not cool. Dude...Steve Romero is RIGHT THERE! Unless he gets respect just by looking vaguely Malenko-like. Still, it's Juvy and that means this was gold. Juvy for World Champion! Or possibly ruler of the world!

Nunzio (already in the ring) v. Paul London - Cruiserweight Title --

I was just watching a Cheap Seats marathon I taped last night and there was an episode featuring ICW Wrestling. Randy and Jason point out that if a guy doesn't even get an entrance, he's gonna lose. Nunzio might as well just lay down now. London sprints out and slides into the ring. Not across it, though, as Nunzio greets him with some stomps. Guess he's a heel tonight. London fires back with a few forearms and sends Nunzio into the ropes. He ducks a big boot and slides to the floor. London follows, but Nunzio is already back in the ring. He catches London with a seated dropkick as he tries to roll in. Cover gets two.

Rear chinlock by Nunzio. London manages to get to his feet and counters into a Stunner. Not that they'd ever call it that, but still. He kicks away at Nunzio and goes for a whip. Nunzio reverses it and ducks his head. London leapfrogs him and scores with a leg lariat for two. He sends Nunzio into the corner, following in behind him with a forearm. Whip to the opposite corner. London charges once again, but gets elevated onto the apron. Nunzio hits him with a forearm and climbs to the second rope.

London cuts him off with a kick to the face. He's slow getting back into the ring, though. As he ducks through the ropes, Nunzio nails him with the Sicilian Slice! He hooks him for the Arrivederci, but London blocks it. He shortarms Nunzio into the ropes. Nunzio goes for a crossbody. London catches him, but the momentum takes him down. He rolls back to his feet, still holding Nunzio. Swinging backbreaker! He heads up top, hits the Shooting Star Press (!!!!) and gets the win!

Cool. With Kidman gone and Juvy using the 450, it looks like London might get to use the SSP once again. Big thumbs up to that. Not much of a match to really comment on here. Everything was rushed like crazy. The spots were hit cleanly, but what can you really expect from a sub-5 minute match?

If you're wondering about that CHIKARA recap I promised, I realized that it's going to be way too long to post in one piece and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with it. I might end up breaking it into smaller pieces just to keep it readable. We shall see...


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