The former WWE Superstar admits that some of the responsibility rests on him. “I had some maturing to do. There comes a time in everybody’s life when you have to grow up,” said Lesnar. “But professional wrestling is in my blood. I may have second guessed it in the past, but I know it now.”

Brock Lesnar is expected to officially sign his WWE contract tomorrow. This is not a definite, but at this moment he is pegged for the Smackdown side of things.

-Da Meltz.

The other extreme end of all the releases is that none other than put up on their site that Lesnar is in meetings with officials. Meltzer confirmed a few hours later (thanks to Justin Shapiro) that he will be back in the building and on our TV again. Which goes to show you can go home again.

Pencil in Batista/Lesnar for WM 22 baby!


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