SmackDown 7/16/2005: For and Against

FOR: Well, that's not Rey's... oh, that's Eddie's wife and kids. Well, this was unexpected.

FOR: The pop for Vicki grabbing the mic away from Eddie.

AGAINST: Wait, does she know what it is?

FOR: If you're gonna go down this road, you might as well go all the way down.

FOR: Eddie's mood swings.

FOR: Holly getting involved. Well, they're wrestling tonight.

FOR: Super Crazy carrying a rake~~~

AGAINST: Oh, Paul. Scotty and Funaki? This is the best you could do for backup?

FOR: Scotty superkicking Crazy into next week.

FOR: The double running dropkick.

AGAINST: It taking so long.

AGAINST: Cole not knowing what "The Juice" means.

FOR: The Mexicools using the numbers game to their advantage.

AGAINST: No rake spot? Boo.

FOR: Candice's top.

FOR: Christian ripping off Brian Gleine's act. (Maybe three people will get that.)

AGAINST: Josh's hair.

FOR: Batista's suit.

FOR: Batista's understated manner.

FOR: Batista SMILING after his interview.

FOR: Melina's cleavage. (This has been an excellent block of segments, by the way.)

FOR: Torrie getting off the side of the milk carton.

AGAINST: Given Recent Events, shouldn't this be Michelle's spot?

AGAINST: The rather abrupt launch into Melina's tirade.

AGAINST: Melina's logic -- does she actually think they'll forget about Torrie if she gets her clothes ripped completely off?

FOR: "Terri? Toni? Whatever."

FOR: MNM's ambush.

AGAINST: Melina when she yells. It's Stephanie-esque.


AGAINST: Animal shilling the DVD. That's what Cole and Tazz are there for.

FOR: "Because his partner's dead." SO wrong, yet so in character.

FOR: Animal being wary of Heidenreich. The man's *unbalanced*, see.

FOR: The crowd's much more against Eddie NOW than they were at the beginning of the show.

FOR: Eddie's had enough of those chops.

AGAINST: Shouldn't Charles Robinson have been getting Eddie off the ropes?

AGAINST: The pace of this match. Both these guys usually work faster than this.

FOR: Eddie blocking the Alabama Slam.

FOR: But this might be worse.

AGAINST: Eddie wasting time looking for a weapon. Any blunt object will do.

FOR: Holly tapping almost immediately.

FOR: The replay of Robinson getting poked in the eye.

FOR: The lack of sincerity in Eddie's apology to his wife.

FOR: The FCC stepping in.

AGAINST: Hassan's attorney not getting a name. That and Cole saying that Undertaker's here means he's gonna eat something awful.

FOR: Oh. Hello, Thomas Whitney, Esquire. I give you six minutes to live.

FOR: The crowd cheering Hassan's boycott of Smackdown.

FOR: "I bet law school didn't prepare him for this."

AGAINST: 6:05! Damn it! So close.

FOR: "Somebody's gotta stop this." "Who's gonna stop this, Tazz?"

FOR: Christian being angry that Booker embarrassed him while he was trying to mack on Candice.

FOR: Nick Patrick not starting the match over Christian's protests.

FOR: The immediate rematch at the Bash.

FOR: JBL can't even say it. I was half expecting him to say it really fast and almost under his breath, like "totheBlueMeanie."

FOR: JBL's point about Batista defending against only one man while he took on all comers.

FOR: Referencing Batista almost coming to Smackdown before Mania.

FOR: JBL dousing Brian Hebner with water to revive him. You'd think everybody would try that.

FOR: JBL turning the tables, and Batista kicking out anyway. That NEVER happens.


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