SmackDown! 7/7/2005: For and Against

FOR: No opening credits so they can redo them after the BLOODLETTING. It's like they're clearing cap room. (And what are they gonna do with whatever they use it for? That cryptic enough yet not for you?)

FOR: JBL's "Bret Hart/parking ticket" line.

FOR: JBL referencing his title win at the last Great American Bash.

FOR?: The bWo?

AGAINST: I know what this is about and I honestly don't care.

AGAINST: JBL/Meanie tonight? Somebody's getting fucked up.

FOR: Booker vs. Benoit!

FOR: That counter into the cross-armbreaker.

FOR: Booker's blocks of the Crossface.

FOR: Orlando watching Benoit win.

AGAINST: Technically, Hassan, you were counted out. Didn't you hear Chimel go over the rules?

FOR: Hassan/UT at the Bash, as I suspected. That means Orton's not quite ready to come back full-time yet.

AGAINST: But for the No. 1 contendership? Putting the Orton point in mind, there's no compelling reason for either man to win.

FOR: Eddie's kind of dialed down the psychotic streak here, which suits him better. I'd like to see more deviousness from him.

FOR: "You've only beaten me five times in a row."

FOR: So it's "their" secret? So Rey knows what it is? Interesting.

AGAINST: The "Angle Imminent Alert" that is a No-DQ match.

FOR: JBL's busted open. Poetic.

AGAINST: I didn't need to see Meanie climb up there.

FOR: Batista interfering, then bouncing like nothing happened. I hear he does this a lot.

AGAINST: Christian's blaming Booker? For what?

FOR: "I'm Captain Charisma, bitch!"

FOR: Waiting for the inevitable screwjobbery by Eddie.

FOR: Part of me wants Rey to punk Eddie out and damn the consequences.

FOR: Cole and Tazz flashing back to these two teams' last meeting where this all went to hell.

AGAINST: Korderas asking Eddie what he's doing to Rey. Where have you been the last two months?

FOR: Eddie relaxing on the ropes.

AGAINST: MNM still looking at Eddie like he's going to flip back. Where have you been the last two months?

FOR: "Thank you."

AGAINST: A Matt Morgan match.

FOR: Regal!

FOR: Regal dodging the Mexicools.

FOR: Morgan getting bum-rushed by three cruiserweights.

AGAINST: These guys are supposed to be heels, right?

FOR: I guess they spared Regal 'cause he's British.

FOR: Regal's facial expressions. "I'm bloody glad that's not me."

FOR: Triple baseball slide~~~~

AGAINST: Seems like they're dragging out UT's entrance here for some reason.

FOR: Daivari trying to negotiate his way out of this.

AGAINST: That was quick.

FOR: Hassan having a backup plan.

AGAINST: Him not telling Daivari about it.

AGAINST: Come on, Tazz, you're from Red Hook! You mean to tell me you've never seen piano wire before?

FOR: Well, I guess that explains the parental advisory.

AGAINST: Pre-empted next week for another Phillies loss. How do you lose to the Pirates? My God.

FOR: Cole and Tazz are really putting Batista's three wins over HHH here.

AGAINST: Christian should've given him a baseball slide dropkick there.

FOR: The DDT through the ropes.

AGAINST: Christian uses too many rest holds.

FOR: Keeping the champ strong.

FOR: JBL tossing Orlando into Batista's path. Perfect cowardly behavior.

FOR: The quick assembly of the Bash card (with Booker/Christian assumed).


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